This consultation was open from:
September 17, 2020
to December 16, 2020
Decision summary
The comments received by the Ontario Federation of Agriculture are consistent with the language in the Ministry of Long-Term Care’s Statement of Environmental Values (SEV).
Decision details
The work of the Ministry of Long-Term Care does not significantly impact the environment.
The Ministry of Long-Term Care remains committed to applying its Statement of Environmental Values when making policy decisions that might significantly affect the environment and the health of Ontarians. Such proposals will be reviewed at the initial stage to ensure they do not have a negative impact on the environment and that they support the ministry’s SEV. When posting of a decision to the Environmental Registry is required, the ministry will document how the SEV was considered
Effects of consultation
The ministry remains aware of its obligations under the EBR, believes its SEV language is comprehensive, and recognizes the importance of a healthy environment for Ontarians today and tomorrow.
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John Babos
Original proposal
Proposal details
The Ministry of Long-Term Care (MLTC) has created a new Statement of Environmental Values (SEV) in part by building on sections of the former Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s (MOHLTC) SEV.
The SEV is:
- required under the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) and provides MOH’s commitment to the purposes of the Act;
- must be considered when environmentally significant decisions are made within the ministry; and
- provides the ministry the core principles that it will apply during decision making related to polices, acts, regulations and instruments that might affect the environment.
The EBR requires that the ministry’s SEV explain:
- how the purposes of the EBR will be applied when decisions that might significantly affect the environment are made in the ministry; and
- how consideration of the purposes of the EBR will be integrated with other considerations, including social, economic and scientific considerations, that are part of decision-making in the ministry/
In the Summer of 2019, the MLTC and Ministry of Health (MOH) were created and assumed the EBR obligations of the former MOHLTC.
In addition, in the 2019 Annual Report of the Auditor General, the MOH was one of many ministries that were required to update their SEVs to include the term “climate change” among other changes. The MLTC has proactively assumed the SEV update obligation as well.
In addition to creating an SEV for MLTC that reflects the ministry’s structure and mandate, the ministry is proposing making the following changes to sections it used from the former MOHLTC’s SEV:
- add a section that commits the MOH to continue to mainstream climate change adaptation into natural resource management;
- update the ministry’s vision and mandated activities;
- add a commitment to review the SEV every five years;
- affirm the important role of Indigenous peoples’ participation in ministry decision-making; and
revise and update the SEV’s principles based on current management practices and provide clear and practical principles to facilitate SEV consideration.
Supporting materials
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Commenting is now closed.
This consultation was open from September 17, 2020
to December 16, 2020
Comments received
Through the registry
1By email
0By mail