Appeal of R. W. Tomlinson Limited - Environmental Compliance Approval (air)

ERO number
Notice stage
Appeal posted
Last updated

Appeal summary

This notice was prepared by the applicants seeking leave to appeal and represents their position.

Appeal details

This notice is given by the applicant in accordance with section 47 of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993. The notice was prepared by the appellant and represents their position. It does not represent or reflect the views of the Government of Ontario, nor does the Government of Ontario make any representations about the accuracy of the content of this notice.

Decision being appealed

On June 15, 2021 (decision posted on June 17th), an Environmental Compliance Approval (air & noise) was granted to R. W. Tomlinson Limited for a mobile ready-mix concrete plant which will operate throughout the Province of Ontario. ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE APPROVAL NUMBER 2456-BZ7P6H. The approval allows contaminant emissions into the atmosphere of the following: suspended particulate matter; nitrogen oxides; calcium oxide; crystalline silica; noise; and, fugitive emissions.

Grounds for leave to appeal

  1. Insufficient Notice was given of the application for the ERO (ECA), except on the Ministry Registry, thereby providing us with little opportunity to comment before approval was granted.
  2. We believe that R.W. Tomlinson Ltd. intends to operate the Concrete Batching Plant at their Quarry in Napanee, principally because Tomlinson stated this intention in their presentation to Council for rezoning for a Permanent Hot Asphalt Plant at that location. The Napanee location is in unacceptably close proximity to the Napanee River, the Napanee Limestone Plain IBA (Important Bird and Biodiversity Area), the Town of Greater Napanee's Watershed and mapped Intake Protection Zone (protected through policies in the Quinte Region Source Protection Plan. Ontario's Clean Water Act was created specifically to protect drinking water at the source rather than simply relying on water treatment alone to deliver safe, clean water), farms, residential areas, parks and conservation areas, schools and churches, plus Historic Downtown Napanee. Our objections apply also - in greater or lesser degree - to other small town locations throughout Ontario.
  3. The location stipulated as 'throughout the Province of Ontario' provides for no setback requirements to allow for limitations to Surface Water Contamination or Contamination of other Environmentally Sensitive Land Uses.
  4. The permitted emission of 'Suspended Particulate Matter' is unacceptably vague and lacks any specificity for toxicity or mitigation measures. Similarly 'Fugitive Emissions'.
  5. Nitrogen Oxides, Calcium Oxide and Crystalline Silica are all toxic to human health and welfare and the environment. The emission levels permitted in the approval are unacceptably high and in dangerous proximity to human habitation and other vulnerable land and water uses. The UN, WHO, the EU and the Government of Canada (through Environment and Climate Change Canada) have issued guidelines to reduce the volume of these toxic emissions into the atmosphere.
  6. The noise level limits are solely in comparison to the 'ambient' noise created by Tomlinson themselves, rather than to the ambient noise levels without the presence of Tomlinson. Noise is toxic to human health.
  7. There is no Closure Plan in place or guarantee of mitigation measures for damages to surrounding residential areas and the environment. In conclusion, we believe that no reasonable person or ministry could justify the approval of this Concrete Batching Plant under the terms stipulated in the above defined ERO.

Supporting materials

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Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

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More information, including hearing dates and locations can be provided by the appellate body. Additional information about the instrument appeal process, can be provided by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

Environmental Review Tribunal
Attention: The Secretary
655 Bay Street
Floor 15
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1E5
(416) 212-6349
(866) 448-2248

About the Environmental Review Tribunal

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Environmental Bill of Rights Office
40 St. Clair Ave. West
12th Floor
Toronto, ON
M4V 1M2

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Original decision

R. W. Tomlinson Limited - Environmental Compliance Approval (air)

Instrument type: Environmental Compliance Approval (air)

ERO number
Ministry reference number
Notice type
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Notice stage
Decision Appeal
Decision posted
Comment period
August 26, 2020 - October 10, 2020 (45 days) Closed
Last updated

This consultation was open from:
August 26, 2020
to October 10, 2020

Decision summary

An Environmental Compliance Approval (air & noise) has been granted to R. W. Tomlinson Limited for a mobile ready-mix concrete plant which will operate throughout the Province of Ontario.

Location details

Site address


Site location details

Mobile Facility

Various locations across Ontario.


R. W. Tomlinson Limited
100 Citigate Drive
Ottawa, ON
K2J 6K7

Decision details

An Environmental Compliance Approval (air & noise) has been granted to R. W. Tomlinson Limited for a mobile ready-mix concrete plant, consisting of:

  • cement and cementitious supplement storage silos
  • material handling
  • weigh hopper
  • concrete truck loading
  • a dust collector
  • associated diesel engine

The equipment will be used to produce concrete throughout the Province of Ontario, and can potentially operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 52 weeks per year.

Contaminant emissions to the atmosphere include:

  • suspended particulate matter
  • nitrogen oxides
  • calcium oxide
  • crystalline silica
  • noise

Comments received

Through the registry


By email


By mail

View comments submitted through the registry

Effects of consultation

One comment was received regarding site location. The issued approval requires the company to ensure a minimum separation distance is achieved when choosing a plant location, and to notify the District Office 10 days in advance of locating at a new site.

The application has demonstrated compliance with ministry regulations, including O. Reg. 419/05, when these minimum separation distances are met.

Supporting materials

View materials in person

Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.

Client Services and Permissions Branch

135 St. Clair Avenue West
Floor 1
Toronto, ON
M4V 1P5

Office phone number
Ottawa District Office

2430 Don Reid Drive
Unit 103
Ottawa, ON
K1H 1E1

Office phone number

How to Appeal

This instrument decision can be appealed. You have 15 days from June 17, 2021 to begin the appeal process.

Carefully review the information below to learn more about the appeal process.

How to appealClick to Expand Accordion

For instrument decisions published on or after June 1, 2021, please refer to the updated instructions for information on how to appeal a decision.

Appeal process for decisions published before June 1, 2021

If you’re an Ontario resident, you can start the process to appeal this instrument decision.

First, you’ll need to seek leave (i.e. get permission) from the relevant appellate body to appeal the decision.

If the appellate body grants leave, the appeal itself will follow.

Seek leave to appeal

To seek leave to appeal, you need to do these three things:

  1. prepare your application
  2. provide notice to the minister
  3. mail your application to three parties

1. Prepare your application

You’ll need to prepare an application. You may wish to include the following things in your application:

  1. A document that includes:
    • your name, phone number, fax number (if any), and/or email address
    • the ERO number and ministry reference number (located on this page)
    • a statement about whether you are a resident in Ontario
    • your interest in the decision, and any facts you want taken into account in deciding whether you have an interest in the decision
    • the parts of the instrument that you’re challenging
    • whether the decision could result in significant harm to the environment
    • the reason(s) why you believe that no reasonable person – having regard to the relevant law and to any government policies developed to guide decisions of that kind – could have made the decision
    • the grounds (facts) you’ll be using to appeal
    • the outcome you’d like to see
  2. A copy of the instrument (approval, permit, order) that you you are seeking leave to appeal. You’ll find this in the decision notice on the Environmental Registry
  3. Copies of all supporting documents, facts and evidence that you’ll be using to appeal
What is considered

The appeal body will consider the following two questions in deciding whether to grant you leave to appeal:

  1. is there is good reason to believe that no reasonable person, with respect to the relevant law and to any government policies developed to guide decisions of that kind, could have made the decision?
  2. could the decision you wish to appeal result in significant harm to the environment?

2. Provide your notice

You’ll need to provide notice to the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks that you’re seeking leave to appeal.

In your notice, please include a brief description of the:

  • decision that you wish to appeal
  • grounds for granting leave to appeal

You can provide notice by email at or by mail at:

College Park 5th Floor, 777 Bay St.
Toronto, ON 
M7A 2J3

3. Mail your application

You’ll need to mail your application that you prepared in step #1 to each of these three parties:

  • appellate body
  • issuing authority (the ministry official who issued the instrument)
  • proponent (the company or individual to whom the instrument was issued)

Issuing authority
Neryed Ragbar
Manager (A) Air Approvals

Environmental Permissions Branch
135 St Clair Avenue West
Floor 3
Toronto, ON
M4V 1P5

437 776 8348


R. W. Tomlinson Limited
100 Citigate Drive
Ottawa, ON
K2J 6K7

Appellate body

Environmental Review Tribunal
Attention: The Secretary
655 Bay Street
Floor 15
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1E5
(416) 212-6349
(866) 448-2248

About the Environmental Review Tribunal

Include the following:

ERO number
Ministry reference number

This is not legal advice. Please refer to the Environmental Bill of Rights for exact legal requirements. Consult a lawyer if you need help with the appeal process.

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We will send you email notifications with any updates related to this consultation. You can change your notification preferences anytime by visiting settings in your profile page.

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Original proposal

ERO number
Ministry reference number
Notice type
Environmental Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990
Posted by
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Proposal posted

Comment period

August 26, 2020 - October 10, 2020 (45 days)

Proposal details

This proposal is for a new Environmental Compliance Approval (Air & Noise) for R. W. Tomlinson Limited for a mobile ready-mix concrete plant, consisting of cement and cementitious supplement storage silos, material handling, weigh hopper and concrete truck loading, a duster collector, and associated diesel engine.

The equipment will be used to produce concrete throughout the Province of Ontario, and can potentially operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and 52 weeks per year.

Contaminant emissions to the atmosphere include:

  • suspended particulate matter
  • nitrogen oxides
  • calcium oxide
  • crystalline silica
  • noise

Supporting materials

View materials in person

Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.

Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.


Commenting is now closed.

This consultation was open from August 26, 2020
to October 10, 2020

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