This consultation was open from:
October 5, 2020
to November 4, 2020
Decision summary
The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has issued an overall benefit permit to the Town of LaSalle for construction activities that may impact Eastern Foxsnake and Dense Blazing Star, two species at risk. The permit includes actions to minimize adverse effects, benefit the species, as well as monitoring and reporting requirements.
Location details
Site location details
The proposed lot development is an area south of 6625 of Malden Road, located between Hollinger Avenue to the north and Bouffard Road to the south in the Town of LaSalle.
Site location map
The location pin reflects the approximate area where environmental activity is taking place.
View this location on a map opens link in a new windowProponent(s)
Town of LaSalle
5950 Malden Road
N9H 1S4
Decision details
On March 8, 2023, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks issued an overall benefit permit to the Town of LaSalle concerning Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population) and Dense Blazing Star. The permit authorizes the Town LaSalle to adversely impact these species to create and develop two residential lots in the Town of LaSalle, Ontario.
The permit authorizes the Town LaSalle to adversely impact:
- Eastern Foxsnake individuals
- up to 0.174 hectares of Eastern Foxsnake and Dense Blazing Star habitat
- up to 83 individuals of Dense Blazing Star
Protecting species under the Endangered Species Act
Our government is committed to protecting species at risk and providing strong environmental oversight, while working to support development opportunities in the province.
Businesses, municipalities and other proponents are expected to take steps to ensure their projects avoid any adverse impacts on species at risk or their habitats. However, where avoidance is not possible, the ESA gives the Minister the discretion to authorize activities if certain conditions can be met.
The permit includes conditions that requires the Town of LaSalle to undertake measures that will:
- minimize adverse effects to the affected species
- achieve overall benefits to the species within a reasonable timeframe
Actions to minimize adverse effects to species
The permit requires the Town of LaSalle to carry out actions to minimize adverse effects to Eastern Foxsnake and Dense Blazing Star, including:
- engaging qualified professionals to oversee that the proposed permit conditions and mitigation measures are properly implemented on the site
- providing species education and awareness training to all construction personnel working on site
- installing temporary exclusion fencing around the perimeter of the site to prevent Eastern Foxsnake from entering the site during their active season
- inspecting and repairing the exclusion fencing
- searching the construction area to ensure that no Eastern Foxsnakes are present
- performing vegetation clearing outside of the active season
- ensuring that if any snakes are encountered on the site during the project, work in the vicinity will stop and the snake will either leave on its own or be safely relocated by a qualified professional
- salvaging Dense Blazing Star from the site, during their dormant period, and transplanting them to the Species at Risk Management Area
- monitoring, tending and watering the transplanted Dense Blazing Star, as needed, for at least five years
- providing residents in the area with information on species at risk snakes and their habitats to reduce potential for negative interactions
- installing and maintaining permanent fencing (e.g. chain link) along the rear and west lot boundaries with signage to discourage future encroachment into the remaining onsite habitat.
Actions to achieve an overall benefit to species
The permit requires the Town of LaSalle to achieve an overall benefit for the species within a reasonable timeframe by:
- creating a 0.56 ha Species at Risk Management Area at a nearby conservation area (Reaume Prairie) to provide preferred conditions for Dense Blazing Star, Eastern Foxsnake and other rare prairie species by:
- removing woody vegetation
- increasing the amount of open prairie habitat
- managing invasive species
- creating key snake habitat features (e.g. nesting site)
- planting Dense Blazing Star
- monitoring the effectiveness of Species at Risk Management Area for five years, as well as inspect the site for inappropriate uses and taking corrective actions
These actions are expected to result in overall benefits to Eastern Foxsnake and Dense Blazing Star by:
- enhancing habitat and creating key habitat features for nesting, basking and foraging for Eastern Foxsnake
- increasing the overall number of Dense Blazing Star on the landscape
Other information
The following reasonable alternatives, including alternatives that would not adversely affect the species, were considered:
- not proceeding with the proposed development
- developing the residential lots and creating and managing a nearby Species at Risk Management Area to enhance habitat quality for Eastern Foxsnake and Dense Blazing Star
The best alternative is to create and develop the two lots, which meets the objective of the project and is consistent with the Town of LaSalle’s Official Plan.
In addition, the creation of the SAR Management Area at Reaume Prairie will improve conditions for the species in an otherwise heavily altered landscape.
Ontario has published government response statements (GRS) under section 12.1 of the ESA with respect to Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population) and Dense Blazing Star:
The permit reflects the following objectives outlined in the GRSs for these species:
- protecting and managing existing habitat
- increasing public awareness and threat management
- enhancing and restoring habitat
Effects of consultation
We received one comment in response to this proposal indicating the described property had already been developed.
Upon review of the comment, it was determined that the commenter had misinterpreted the generalized location details provided and that the proposed lot development was currently undeveloped.
No changes to the permit were made as a result.
Supporting materials
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Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
40 St. Clair Ave. West
14th Floor
M4V 1M2
How to Appeal
Appeals are not allowed
This instrument type cannot be appealed. Learn more about our consultation process.
Connect with us
April Mitchell
435 James St. South
Suite 114
Thunder Bay,
P7E 6T1
Original proposal
Proposal details
The Town of LaSalle is seeking an overall benefit permit to develop two lots south of 6625 Malden Road, located between Hollinger Avenue to the north, and Bouffard Road to the south, in the Town of LaSalle.
The permit will authorize the Town to:
- impact Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population)
- damage and destroy up to 0.174 hectares of habitat for Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population)
- impact up to 83 Dense Blazing Star plants
- damage and destroy up to 0.174 hectares of habitat for Dense Blazing Star plants
Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population) is listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario list, under O. Reg. 230/08 of the Endangered Species Act as endangered, while Dense Blazing Star is listed as threatened.
Sections 9 and 10 of the Endangered Species Act provide protection for individual members of a species and their habitat if that species is listed on the Species at Risk in Ontario list as extirpated, endangered or threatened.
Under clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act, the minister may issue a permit authorizing a person to engage in an activity that would otherwise be prohibited by sections 9 or 10 of the Act if:
- an overall benefit to the species will be achieved within a reasonable time through the conditions of the permit
- reasonable alternatives have been considered, including alternatives that would not negatively affect the species, and the best alternative has been adopted
- reasonable steps to minimize negative effects on individual members of the species are required by conditions of the permit
Providing an overall benefit to a protected species under the Endangered Species Act involves improving circumstances for the species in Ontario. Overall benefit is:
- more than "no net loss" or an exchange of "like for like"
- grounded in the protection and recovery of the species at risk
- more than mitigation measures or "replacing" what is lost
Actions to achieve an overall benefit to the species
The Town of LaSalle is seeking ways to provide an overall benefit to Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population) and Dense Blazing Star. These may involve:
- creating a 0.56 ha Species at Risk Management Area at a nearby conservation area (e.g., Reaume Prairie) that will be managed and enhanced to provide preferred conditions for Dense Blazing Star, Eastern Foxsnake and other rare prairie species by actions such as:
- removing woody vegetation
- increasing the amount of open prairie habitat
- invasive species management
- creating key snake habitat features (e.g., potential nesting site)
- planting Dense Blazing Star
- performing effectiveness monitoring of the overall management area for five years as well as inspecting the site for incompatible uses and taking corrective actions
These actions are expected to achieve an overall benefit to the species by:
- enhancing habitat and creating key habitat features for nesting, basking and foraging for Eastern Foxsnake
- increasing the overall number of Dense Blazing Star on the landscape
Reasonable alternatives being considered
The Town of LaSalle has explored alternatives, including alternatives that would not adversely affect Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population) and Dense Blazing Star and their habitat. These include:
- not proceeding with the proposed development
- developing the residential lots and creating and managing a nearby Species at Risk Management Area to significantly enhance habitat quality for Eastern Foxsnake and Dense Blazing Star
Actions to minimize negative effects to the species
The Town of LaSalle is seeking ways to minimize adverse effects on Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population) and Dense Blazing Star and their habitat. These may include:
- retaining a Qualified Professional to oversee that the proposed permit conditions and mitigation measures are properly implemented on the site
- providing Species at Risk education and awareness training to all construction personnel working on site, including a protocol for snake incidental encounters
- installing snake exclusionary fencing around the perimeter of the site to prevent Eastern Foxsnake from entering the site after their hibernation periods
- during site preparation and construction, the exclusionary fencing will be inspected weekly for and any gaps and if needed will be immediately repaired
- performing vegetation clearing after snake hibernation periods
- as soon as snakes become active in the year that construction takes place, a qualified individual will search the construction area to ensure that no Eastern Foxsnakes are present
- in the event that Eastern Foxsnakes are encountered in the construction area, no work should be done within 30 m of the species until it either leaves the area or is removed by qualified staff
- excavating Dense Blazing Star, ideally during their dormant period, with accessory soils from the lots and transplanting them to appropriate off-site microhabitats
- monitoring, and watering when required, the transplanted Dense Blazing Star for the two growing seasons following transplanting
- after construction, providing residents in the area with information on species at risk snakes and their habitats to reduce potential for negative interactions
- installing fencing (e.g., chain link) along the rear and west lot boundaries with signage to discourage future encroachment into the remaining onsite habitat
Other information
The Province has published a government response statement under section 12.1 of the Endangered Species Act with respect to Eastern Foxsnake (Carolinian population) and Dense Blazing Star. The government response statements will be considered before a decision to issue an overall benefit permit.
A copy of the government response statement for Eastern Foxsnake is available at:
A copy of the government response statement for Dense Blazing Star is available at:
Posting this proposal on the Environmental Registry does not imply that we will issue a permit. A permit may only be issued where the legal requirements set out in clause 17(2)(c) of the Endangered Species Act have been satisfied.
Supporting materials
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Some supporting materials may not be available online. If this is the case, you can request to view the materials in person.
Get in touch with the office listed below to find out if materials are available.
Commenting is now closed.
This consultation was open from October 5, 2020
to November 4, 2020
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Kristina Hubert
300 Water Street
4th Floor, South tower
K9J 3C7
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