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Building on the greenbelt is a bad idea. We need to conserve our ability to grow food going forward.
Building more houses is not the solution. We need to maximize the land we've already taken from the greenbelt, also known as build upwards.
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It is distressing that the bold action of the government is not to protect future generations but rather to make a short term decision to chip away at the public green space. Despite the portrayal by the government of increasing the Greenbelt it is swapping lands like a cheap carnival trick.
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Not only is the paving over the greenbelt short-sighted in terms of protecting the environment, and thus, our domestic food supply; but building there also contributes towards urban sprawl. Sprawl is not cheap.
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Ontario’s Greenbelt protects farmland, communities, forests, wetlands and watersheds. It also preserves cultural heritage and supports recreation and tourism in Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe.
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Why are we destroying our land and ecosystem? The natural habitat is not something that can be rebuilt. We can make current cities denser by building upwards. Reduce people buying 6-7-8 homes. This government is failing environment, people of Ontario and humanity.
The continued destruction of our vital and irreplaceable natural resources should be halted immediately. Mortgaging our environmental future by selling off green belt land for commercial and residential development perfectly encapsulates the short-term thinking of our current provincial government.
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Instead of removing space from the Greenbelt, can the provincial government work with the municipal governments to reform zoning laws to allow for more varied housing like mixed-use, medium density housing?
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This proposal is insulting and disgusting. Try looking out for actual people and not just your rich developer friends. The government should be ashamed.
I oppose this plan strongly. We need more efficient density planning instead of delaying problems with pointless sprawl. More sprawl has no real benefits, and actively makes environmental issues worse now and exponentially worse in the future
Fixing a temporary problem (housing shortage) by creating a permanent problem (loss of benefits of green-space) is a grotesque action and stains those who make such decisions, permanently.
DO NOT DEVELOP THE GREENBELT! I cannot stress this enough. We need these green spaces in the long term- this is the only planet we currently have.
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Destroying our precious farmlands and conservation areas would be a blight on our province and further accelerate our already precarious environmental standings (global climate emergency).
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Please do not destroy such a vital part of Ontario’s biodiversity. Tourists come to visit our Greenbelt. Farmers feed Ontario from the land on the Greenbelt. You can build houses anywhere, please leave the Greenbelt alone as it is an agriculturally significant rich piece of land.
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We have nearly 50 acres in Hilton Hills that isn’t being used for anything. Currently, we can’t build on it and we aren’t farmers. Ideally, we’d like to subdivide it to allow the construction of homes.
I do not support removing the greenbelt and destroying the protected ecosystems within them. I find it embarrassing that the Ford government is pretending this is a crisis that has come on suddenly or that immigration is the predominant cause- not their inability to properly plan.
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Building on the greenbelt is…
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It is distressing that the…
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I oppose building in the…
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Not only is the paving over…
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Ontario’s Greenbelt protects…
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Why are we destroying our…
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Please do not develop the…
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Instead of removing space…
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This proposal is insulting…
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