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Destroying the environment is not a solution to housing. We have plenty of land to work with, build affordable housing using vertical expansion. No one young can afford to buy a house in much of the province, building single home housing is a waste of time and money.

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This is a horrendous plan, it does not support municipalities as they have voted decisively against expanding the urban boundary and removing lands from the greenbelt. This is an autocratic decision that is not supported by the people it is supposed to be serving. Lire davantage

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The GTA doesnt need to expand outward into the Greenbelt to build more expensive houses. Look inward to the current land and make best use of that space. Destroying green land is not what any Ontario resident wants. Lire davantage

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I’m an Ontario resident and I do not support development on the green belt or a land swap on the green belt. We were promised during the last campaign that greenbelt wouldn’t be touched.

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Attempting to yet again infringe on the Greenbelt demonstrates that Doug Ford has no respect for the people of this province. He only cares about profit for a select few businesses that he has connections to. Disgraceful. Lire davantage

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I've worked in home development and this is not the solution to our housing crisis. This is blatantly proposed to provide developers with more land to increase their revenues; Doug Ford clearly influenced. There are actual policies that can be instated that are actual solutions: Lire davantage

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Leave our greenspace alone. The PC ontario government stated they would be leaving the Greenbelt alone and now has gone back on this statement, therefore lying to the very people they are supposed to serve. Urban sprawl will not fix the housing crisis or adequately address the growing population. Lire davantage

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The protected lands in Ontario must remain that way at all costs. We drew a line in the sand, and we must stick with it. To continue down the road of continually encroaching on nature to solve humanity’s problems, we come face-to-face with the question: WHERE DOES IT END? Lire davantage

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Don't build on the greenbelt. More ecosystem preservation is needed. Look into the history of Algonquin Park and see how everything is effected by how people take action on the land (logging, hunting, fishing, developing, ect.)

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The idea of allowing development in the Green Belt frightens and astonishes me. I hear ads on the radio by the builders association that misinforms and makes no mention of where the expansion of housing will take place. Lire davantage

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It is important not to remove any lands from the Greenbelt. If anything, we should be adding land to it (without taking any away). More protected areas for wildlife, biodiversity, and natural spaces are crucial for the health of Ontario's people and environment. Lire davantage

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The changes are, honestly, terrible. We should be expanding greenspaces and coming up with urban-based solutions for the housing needs, including building up the "missing middle" of medium-density and, especially, mixed used buildings. Lire davantage

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I believe when the green belt was created it was suppose to be so that lands are protected and not developed. The green belt is already a joke in terms of natural lands and wild life, why don’t we just be happy with what we have and build up not out I am strongly against this new proposal Lire davantage