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Fully oppose the proposed amendments, for several reasons including but not limited to: It's the only access to greenspace for most GTA residents It's the only available space for wildlife in the GTA Lire davantage

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Such a large scale removal of lands from the greenbelt is not responsible and will contribute to the destruction of significant wetlands. My thoughts are that this removal of lands from the greenbelt should be reduced to 25% or perhaps 33% of the proposed thousands of acres. Lire davantage

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This is completely unnecessary, short-sighted, and harms the future for our children. Build with appropriate planning, services, and transit. The greenbelt should come ntinue to be off limits to developers. Lire davantage

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At a time when countries are protecting land and trying to prevent a climate disaster, the Ontario conservatives are determined to destroy the most important green space in the greater toronto area. Lire davantage

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If the Governments plan is to take Greenbelt land, and replace it with alternate land, it should simply build on that replacement land. Destroying sensitive ecosystems when there are other building location options is stupid.

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DO NOT DEVELOP ON THE GREENBELT. The city of Hamilton has SO much vacant land available within its existing boundary that can be developed on. By paving over Greenbelt lands you are taking away valuable farmland that will only further increase the cost of food for Ontarians. Lire davantage

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I disagree with the plan to allow housing development in the Greenbelt zone. It is valuable farm land. With climate change, losing green space will make flood plains worse. Lire davantage

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Destroying 7400 acres of greenbelt in 10 years to build houses will be a disaster for the humans in Ontario and also the Canada. And the talk of adding 9000 acres of new forest will never going happen and will it happen in 10 years?

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This is an unethical use of land that was to be used for environmental preservation. There is plenty of land to build on and not at the expense of the environment. Lire davantage

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There are plenty of methods for developing housing in areas that are not in the greenbelt. There is absolutely no need for the greenbelt to be developed in the way that Premier Ford wishes. I do not believe this proposal is good for the citizens of Ontario or the environment. Lire davantage

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Housing Minister Steve Clark in Feb 21 2021 : "I want to be clear; we will not in anyway entertain any proposals to move lands in the greenbelt or open the greenbelt lands to any kind of development" Lire davantage

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I very much disapprove of any changes to the greenbelt that are not for expansion. We have so much space not in the greenbelt that can be used, this is just a way for dougs developer friends to make more money, and everyone knows it. Please save our environment

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This is such a catastrophicly bad idea. I've never seen an MP that hates the environment more than this. Ontario is such a big province that it takes two whole days to drive out of it*. Surely there is space somewhere else for this construction to take place. Lire davantage