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I do not support removal of the greenbelt. It will lead to more urban sprawl and the destruction of local ecosystems. We should instead be encouraging densification of existing neighbourhoods and smarter use of land.

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Can we please address all the empty space already within the cities first before moving to the green belt? Give incentives to builders who will do this. Building low and medium density, more apartment buildings for those that can't/don't want to buy or stuck in a condo building. Lire davantage

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Opening the Green Belt is incredibly short-sighted. Ontario has a housing problem, this is true, but we should be increasing density, not permitting reckless sprawl. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely appalling. I know the Ford government does not care about climate change. They made that clear enough by scrapping every renewable energy project we had. Lire davantage

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Preserving the Greenbelt is much more important than lining the pockets of developers. There is plenty of underdeveloped space within the city limits that can be upzoned for housing.

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Just keep your promise to not touch the Greenbelt. You are just trading a housing crisis for an environmental crisis. We’ve already made terrible decisions on green solutions and now we’re going to make it worse. Lire davantage

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A quote from the Report of the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force. "Undeveloped land inside and outside existing municipal boundaries must be part of the solution, particularly in northern and rural communities, but isn’t nearly enough on its own. Most of the Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario I would like to say that the Greenbelt should be left alone. Adding more roads/highways will not reduce traffic and it has already been proven. Youtube channels such as Vox have made some great videos explaining this. Do not expand Hamiltons boundaries. Lire davantage

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I am disappointed that the Ontario Government is walking back on its commitment to protect the Greenbelt, what is and has been a decades-long effort to preserve Ontario's agricultural land and natural water systems. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible proposal. We were promised that the Greenbelt would not be opened back up for development. There is plenty of land already available in Ontario for new suburban development. We can also build homes in existing neighbourhoods by increasing density and through zoning reform. Lire davantage

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I unequivocally do not support the destruction of any section of Ontario’s Greenbelt, including for housing. The provincial government should be focused on densification and limiting urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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Opening up the greenbelt to new development only benefits developers. Unless significant effort is placed in building smaller more affordable homes that are specifically targeted to first time home buyers, nothing will change. Lire davantage

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Not only is the paving over the greenbelt short-sighted in terms of protecting the environment, and thus, our domestic food supply; but building there also contributes towards urban sprawl. Sprawl is not cheap. Lire davantage

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This proposal is unacceptable. While the federal government has promised hundreds of thousands of new Canadians, Ontario is a large province with ample communities that are desperate for residents. We do not need to destroy our green spaces. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to the refining of Green Belt land. Land that is farmed and important to our eco system. There are opportunities to build a variety of housing in many areas of the GTA without destroying our countryside. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to this proposal to remove land from the Greenbelt area for housing development. This would irrevocably harm the small amount of natural landscape and habitat remaining in the Golden Horseshoe area and would lead to significant negative consequences for generations to come. Lire davantage

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At a time where both the environment and affordable housing are in crisis, replacing large swaths of our natural environment that support air quality, natural ecosystems, and human wellbeing with suburban single family dwellings is completely counter intuitive and does not work to solve either issue Lire davantage