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I am very much opposed to the development of housing and destruction of the Greenbelt. This will have devastating and long-term consequences on the wildlife and nature within and around that area that is vital to sustaining the ecosystem. Lire davantage

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Food shortages are becoming so bad that we can't find things in grocery stores anymore. The Green Belt should be left as it has always been and that is, alone. On top of the food shortage crisis, we are also in the midst of the worst climate crisis anyone has ever seen. Lire davantage

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This should not proceed as it will result in higher costs to the environment (more flooding), damage to air quality (loss of trees that clean the air), and wetlands that clean our water supply. Lire davantage

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The government promised to not build here. It looks so bad on the premier to contract this out to all his friends. Stick to the promises made, go build somewhere that we didn't decide was supposed to be protected. Lire davantage

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While it is good to see that there will be more protected land area added than removed in this proposed amendment, there does not seem to be any indication as to the environmental impact of the proposed removed land vs. the addition of new land. Lire davantage

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SAVE THE GREENBELT! Listen to Ontarians, the majority of whom want to protect this vital part of our ecosystem. We are all watching you, Ford government, and see how little you actually care and act more like a bully than a public servant. Lire davantage

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Any changes to the Greenbelt will be dangerous to the wellbeing of our environment here in ON - that the Premier of ON would go back on his promise NOT to touch the Greenbelt is sickening- the implications to the province, to the country and to all of us are so drastic and so well established that i Lire davantage

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The greenbelt was not protected for the sake of protecting a certain quota of land. It is protected because it is essential habitat for many Species at Risk (SAR) and because it is an important wildlife migration corridor. Lire davantage

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I do not support any changes to the green belt. We need to massively increase density. Urban sprawl is unacceptable. Traffic in Toronto and the GTA is brutal. Paving the green space will not make life better.

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This is horrendous proposal. Save our greenbelt. These are our protected land. If you want to build homes, turn unused industrial areas into housing zones. Another example of government over reach. Lire davantage

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This is an extremely shortsighted, greedy, and unsustainable decision for a government that has proven to be incompetent and unable to serve the people of Ontario with fair democratic process. Lire davantage

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As a city, we voted no to this. We have more then enough space within the current boundaries to build up. Respect the democratic process and the voice of Hamiltonians which strongly support building within our boundaries.

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Why do you have to develop on the Greenbelt? Why tear this up for more housing?? I understand there might be a shortage of housing but there has to be other areas that can be utilized for housing. STOP trying to sell out our green spaces to the highest bidders. Lire davantage

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First of all you promised not to touch the greenbelt and are going back on that. Second of all, this plan will do nothing to provide affordable housing, which is what we actually need for the housing crisis. Lire davantage