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It is unacceptable to destroy protected natural space in the name of supposed progress. What we need is significant infill in cities, well-built, meaningful, and affordable developments, that are sustainable, rather than infinite sprawl. Lire davantage

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I would like to emphasize that i am extremely disappointed with this proposal The Ford Government had stated unequivocally that they will not harm the green belt. Minister Clark is on record stating "We’re not going to entertain any conversations about a land swap on the Greenbelt". Lire davantage

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As I understand it, a recent commission to look at the feasibility of expanding the Greenbelt found that it would be more worthwhile to increase density than it would be to begin developing the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario for over 30 years, I strongly oppose the development of the Greenbelt. The GTA and surrounding areas need greenspace to be kept green. Please do not allow for ANY development on these lands. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose this proposal. Building low-density housing far away from jobs will only create downstream problems for the province. We need housing near where jobs are. We need housing that won't put more cars on the road. Lire davantage

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I believe the lands which currently comprise the green belt should remain as such. Communities surrounding the green belt have opportunities for in-fill and intensification within their existing lands. Lire davantage

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When the entire world has already been in high alert due to climate change, taking our Green Belt protected areas is so counterintuitive! Once it’s gone, it’s gone. It’s not worth it to put a few more millions in Doug’s friends’ pockets. Lire davantage

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Forestation and loss of wetlands and greenspace affects the weather and human lifestyle. The Doomsday clock is set 100 seconds to midnight for 2 things - climate and nuclear war. Lire davantage

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The green belt is one of our most important environmental resources. This should not and cannot go forward. This government is robbing Ontariens of their right to water and biodiversity in the name of developer greed. Shame on you. Lire davantage

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Expanding the urban boundary is against the wishes of the voting public in Hamilton. The provincial government forcing the urban boundary expansion is undemocratic at the best. Lire davantage