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I write this comment knowing that this government has shown it will push legislation through without regard for public consultation dates, because it has no respect for its constituents. Lire davantage

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Please don’t follow through with the expansion. There are other non-green belt area where this expansion can take place. Please don’t make decisions that will have long term impacts on all of us

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This is a start of slippery slope. Green belt protection is in place to protect environmentally sensitive land in the province against urban development and sprawl. Lire davantage

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This proposal goes against promises Ford has made to protect our GreenBelt. Our ecosystem and biodiversity has already been highly damaged by urban sprawl. The Ford government needs to focus on solutions that better the environment and not continuously rip apart our natural lands. Lire davantage

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Building on the greenbelt is a horrible idea. It is irresponsible, unnecessary, corrupt and backward thinking. It is shameful - but not unexpected from Doug Ford's "American Republican" government. Lire davantage

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I vehemently oppose any policy which will reduce the surface area of the green belt. Any housing policy which does not focus on urban densification is a policy doomed to failure. Lire davantage

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I am completely against the plan to allow developers access to Greenbelt land when the current Ontario government has gone on record saying the Greenbelt will not be touched. Lire davantage

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Protect the greenbelt! Do not allow this to happen. Durham area already over saturated with housing and no infrastructure to support. The greenbelt was put where it was for a reason, to "move" it is a contradiction of what it stands for Lire davantage

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Do not remove protections around the greenbelt. It is imperative to preserve as we move into an even more ecologically precarious future. Instead, push for greater density in areas that are already developed.

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The developing of sections of the Green Belt is unacceptable. The land is crucial for clean water, agriculture, environmental diversity and the combating of flooding among others. The GTA does not need more urban sprawl but rather densificatjon of existing communities. Lire davantage

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We need this. There are communities of landlords and home owners trying their very best to continue to make the market unaffordable for their own selfish gain. They are contaminating forms like this to sway the opinion. Lire davantage