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Ontario’s Greenbelt protects farmland, communities, forests, wetlands and watersheds. It also preserves cultural heritage and supports recreation and tourism in Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is an area set aside to protect the aquifer and the communities near the area. Building on these lands defeats the move to reduce our carbon footprint. Canada is suffering from climate change much more than the population expected. Lire davantage

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There was a promise to not touch the greenbelt when Doug Ford was campaigning. This included a remark that a promise like this would be kept unlike those made by other politicians. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose the development of the green belt. This would cause significant damage to the environment, and also create a large demand for auto-centric infrastructure. The solution is density, not more urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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I completely disagree with the proposed changes to the greenbelt. There are many potential methods for attempting to combat the housing issues faced by Canadians that do not require sabotaging our environmentally protected areas. Lire davantage

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Hello, Please protect our greenbelt at all costs. It is essential for our drinking water quality and quantity. Now more than ever we must do what we can to protect our environment and put it ahead of profits and the economy. Thank you, A concerned Ontario citizen Lire davantage

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I am a resident of Markham and I am strongly against this proposal. I believe that protecting the environment is one of the key priorities that our government should be focused on and this proposal goes against the election promises that we’re originally made.

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Please do not move forward with this. The Greenbelt is meant to be a permanent fixture in Ontario and removing the classification will destroy the only nice areas of southern Ontario

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It seems that none of you in our government is learning from the past. You constantly take land from the people with farms creating food for cities, and devastating forests leaving no room for our wildlife to live. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is a vital part of our environment. You cannot just swap out land like lego pieces! The impact on the habitat of protected species and waterways is unimaginable. We cannot let the Ford government destroy our greenbelt like they have destroyed our healthcare and education system!

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This move by the provincial government to legislate expansion of a municipal urban boundary, countering a municipal decision based on fulsome community consultation, undermines the legitimacy of municipal government and is a violation of the public trust. Lire davantage

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I am not in support of this proposal. Green area, once taken away, can not be easily restored and the proposal to add to the green belt in other areas is not an equivalent exchange in my mind since the flora and fauna in the protected areas that will be lost will still be affected. Lire davantage