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Less immigration to start. Our roads are over crowded as it is. 2 million people seriously? Build apartments 200 storeys tall. People can’t afford anything. Our health care can’t handle another 2 million people as it is. This province is in shambles. Lire davantage

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This change goes against Ford's promise not to remove or develop any part of the greenbelt. Our Greenbelt needs protecting. I am opposed to the proposal to develop parts of the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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These lands should not be removed from the greenbelt. End of story. Everyone knows why. If you don’t comprehend why the land should stay as land and not housing then please do some research.

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I strongly oppose this move. This would be terrible for the environment and is something the Ford government itself had promised not to do multiple times. They have no mandate to make a move like this which would be rejected by voters if they had been upfront about it.

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In a time when we are worried about climate change and preserving our native land for our children the proposal to build on the greenbelt is despicable. We must switch our plan of how we build for the future and we need more sustainable housing options. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is protected for a reason. Let’s focus our development in TOD locations instead of sprawling 30+ km into the greenbelt. It’s bad practice to develop in the region.

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I 100% disagree with opening up the greenbelt to development. These natural spaces are crucial to maintaining our eco system including flood prevention. This is only going to benefit a few large corporations while hurting the citizens of Ontario. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible idea! Please don’t do this. It will wreak havoc on the local ecosystem. Shifting the areas called ‘Greenbelt’ will not equal the same benefits the years of farming has done to our actual greenbelt area. The soil is so rich and nutritious and it cannot be replaced easily. Lire davantage

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Leave the green belt alone, as was previously promised by the Ford Government. As we continue to face the unrelenting changes that climate change is forcing upon us the focus must be increasing housing density, not more urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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Please leave this land and legislation as is. Failing to do so would be a clear violation of campaign promises by the Premier and his party and would jeopardize the local ecosystem simply to appease Ontario PC party donors. Lire davantage

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The idea that you can trade ‘part and parcel’ the Greenbelt to another area isn’t a good idea. The Green Belt as it is should be held as sacred, as our collective commitment to the care of our environment for us now and in the future. House should be addressed with some other approach.

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The Greenbelt is a staple of Ontario's commitment to the environment and needs to stay. This is a basic attempt for more income with zero interest and investment in other social issues like housing. Lire davantage

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Don't touch the greenbelt. Ford, you promised not to make any changes. And here you are. Disappointing as usual for this government that has a blatant disregard for the environment.