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The green belt should at every cost be protected. The corporate greed and ambitions do not trump the sustainable health of the natural world. Environmental sustainability is possible with innovative, creative solutions. Dig deeper. Shelley Lire davantage

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Please do not allow this, the Greenbelt is a protected area for a reason. Studies have shown that Greenbelts prevent urban sprawl and that it is more economical to build housing in already serviced areas. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt protects the surrounding areas from flooding. You are going to cause flooding. Hamilton voted democratically to grow its population through density. You are being anti-democratic. Lire davantage

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Please do not build on the Greenbelt. Doug Ford promised not to. We're in a climate crisis and we're burning through protected land necessary for maintaining the ecosystem. It's absurd. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Toronto, I am against this proposal. Before sprawling into the only greenspace for most GTA residents, the city should focus on redeveloping suburban and urban housing. High density housing close to transit is more beneficial than fancy homes with views of the green belt. Lire davantage

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Greenfield expansion will only harm the future for Ontario. The vast majority of the GTA is zoned for single family residences, this should be the first priority for densification and new housing. Low density housing has higher social costs in terms of infrastructure and social costs. Lire davantage

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This is a clear rush grab to destroy the greenbelt while everyone is distracted with something else. It has been a massively unpopular move to develop the greenbelt and continues to be, yet this government still proceeds to try over and over again to get it passed. Lire davantage

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We need rezoning in low-density housed neighbourhoods, with middle-density housing replacing it, not yet more urban sprawl without sufficient transit options, built to get kickbacks from our developer friends. Lire davantage

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You lied Doug. Now future generations will suffer from your reckless selfish plan to enrich people and entities that are directly connected to you and have contributed to your party and campaigns.

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This is a horrible idea and I DO NOT support the proposal of opening up the Green Belt for development. Some reasons includes, but are not limited to, destruction of vital and significant wetlands, floodplain infringement, drinking water quality degradation, etc.

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Hell no. I have voted conservative in every election I have been able to vote. If this passes I will never vote for a provincial conservative candidate under Doug Ford and I will actively campaign for whoever has the best opportunity to beat him out of spite. Lire davantage