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This government needs to make the Greenbelt bigger, not develop it. In the current climate emergency, every acre of watershed, wetland, and forest is needed to limit environmental instability.
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I will be making a lifelong pledge to vote against any party and candidate that is for this. This is wrong for numerous reasons, it is the destruction of significant wetlands, floodplain infringement and will contribute drinking water quantity/quality degradation.
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I highly object to this proposal. I live near the greenbelt and understand how incredibly important it is to this province. This will impact our water and will cost us far more in the future.
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Ontario’s Greenbelt protects farmland, communities, forests, wetlands and watersheds. It also preserves cultural heritage and supports recreation and tourism in Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe.
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Most of the green belt expansion seems to be occurring in areas that will just become suburbs, I believe instead of expanding the urban footprint and sprawl by reducing the green belt, would it not be better to up the density across all the cities near the green belt reduction sites by changing the
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In a region famous for its low-density urban sprawl, and in an era of habitat loss and intensifying effects of climate change, the answer is clear.
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I do not approve of this proposed amendment to the Greenbelt Plan.
The Greenbelt is critical to Ontario's food and water supply. In addition it hosts critical wildlife habitats that cannot be replaced or moved.
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The greenbelt was meant to stop urban sprawl. If there are no places left to sprawl then build up.
Going back on promises will not help this government retain the majority.
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I am very disappointed by the Ford Government's proposed plan to destroy parts of the Greenbelt in order to build 50,000 new homes also completely ignores the ecological biodiversity of this space. What about the homes of the 78 species at risk that live there?
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Building on these areas of the greenbelt plan Greenbelt Plan (O. Reg. 59/05), and Oak Ridges Moraine (O. Reg. 140/02) will significantly impact both the rogue river water shed and Oak Ridges Moraine. These two are critical to our water supply in Lake Ontario.
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We have plenty of land to build affordable suburban and urban housing with out causing damage to our clean water. And causing flooding and environmental losses.
This is a huge "no".
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We cannot destroy the greenbelt for more real estate. Absolutely ridiculous that this is even considered an option, especially when the public was told that this would not be on the table this year. The greenbelt provides sustainability, water, food.
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This should not happen. We need to increase housing by increasing dense walkable communities. We need to create dense communites that can afford public transit. Opening up the greenbelt for development continues our reliance on cars and fossil fuels.
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This is an insanely short-sighted sell off of important green space, already dwindling from urban sprawl. This area can no be replaced with land elsewhere. This administration is a national embarrassment.
I am adamantly opposed to the Ford government proposal to allow development of the Niagara greenbelt. It is a heavy handed and irresponsible action that will permanently damage an important ecological area and it's native species.
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I was born in that Greenbelt as were my parents. My Grandparents sold food off their farm in Holland Marsh. My other Grandparents once owned a yuge farm that became a big chunk of Woodbridge, ooops Vaughn.
I grew up traipsing thru the Greenbelt buying local food.
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This government needs to…
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I will be making a lifelong…
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