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I staunchly oppose any removal of Greenbelt land for development, including housing. Urban sprawl is not the way forward to adding homes in Ontario. We need to add density and services to support that density in our cities.
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As a citizen of the province of Ontario I implore you to reconsider the short sighted plan to develop the green belt.
This area has long been recognized as crucial to our wetlands and it is short sighted to develop housing in these areas to solve our current housing crisis.
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I think it's outrageous that the Government is insisting on developing areas within the green belt despite the residents of these areas already deciding that they want the Green belt to remain protected.
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Don't do it. Not only will it hurt the environment, but it will create more flooding and damage. More and more, Ontario is becoming Florida. Don't do it.
I am completely opposed to this proposed development on green space. The premier has lied - he said he ‘wouldn’t touch the Greenbelt’ - and this plan for housing will displace vulnerable wildlife and destroy native flora.
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The Greenbelt must be left alone. The Ford government has promised not to touch it, and yet, as always, they are going back on their word.
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I do not support this plan for many reasons. Removing farmland, wetlands, and greenspace is incredibly shortsighted especially with changing climate. These things are extremely valuable to our society and will be increasingly valuable in the future.
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I strongly oppose expanding into our greenbelt and our wetlands.Ontario needs to focus on improving current infrastructure and denisfying our current urban centers.We have too many parking lots and suburban wastelands as is.
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I am against development on the Greenbelt.
We can densify our existing space without further sprawl.
Existing Greenbelt land has had time to establish that can not be gained back.
Expanding the Greenbelt is wonderful, but please, please, please do not build on the existing Greenbelt land.
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I do not support this proposal. While I do support the push to increase housing, Southern Ontario needs greater density rather than more low density subdivisions which are prohibitively expensive and unsustainable to maintain.
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Besides the fact that Ford claimed the greenbelt wouldn't be touched, here are some good reasons to leave this space alone:
This is the only access to greenspace for most GTA residents
This is the only available space for wildlife in the GTA
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This is so unnecessary. Hamilton alone has so many plots of land with buildings that haven't been occupied for many years. These could easily be demolished to build additional housing.
The cities should be scoured for all unused land first before even thinking of destroying these protected lands.
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According to the Report of the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force, land is not a restriction on the supply of houses. The stated goal of adding 1.5 million homes can be achieved without touching the greenbelt.
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the greenbelt is something all Ontarian's can enjoy and cherish. its been protected for generations and there is no need to touch it. Its beyond shameful that this is even being talked about let alone having legislation in place to develop on it
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Unbelievably short sighted…
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As a citizen of the province…
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I think it's outrageous that…
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Don't do it. Not only will…
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The Greenbelt is protected…
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The Greenbelt must be left…
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