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It is an absolute travesty and completely unacceptable to re-designate protected lands for development. There are plenty of other options in terms of building affordable and eco-friendly homes that does not include destroying protected lands. Lire davantage

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Hey Doug, I do not support the destruction of the green belt. You could try a little harder to hide your complete disinterest in the well being of future generations in this province. To claim the destruction of this land will benefit anyone but the developers involved is ludicrous. Lire davantage

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In no uncertain terms, I do not support this proposal and consider it insane that it's on the table. Do not touch the Greenbelt, do not touch the wetlands/marshes/forests/ecosystems that it protects. Lire davantage

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Very opposed to this Act. We are in a climate emergency and there are many other avenues to gollow to create more housing that do not involve destroying precious, ESSENTIAL wetlands or lining Ford develope friends' pockets.

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No. Just no. No more highways. No more subdivisions. They're all the same. The houses are all the same. Cheap. Easy to build. Profitable for the builder. Driveways, grass, central heating, central a/c. Large. If you wanted to invent a housing system that killed the planet, this would be it. Lire davantage

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I am personally heavily against the idea of removing lots of the greenbelt to make way for new housing. Keeping wetlands protected is very important these days and we don’t need more urban sprawl. Maybe figuring out another way would be much better.

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I strongly oppose any changes to the Greenbelt, especially reducing the size of it to make room for more housing. The Greenbelt is incredibly important for our present and future for many reasons. Lire davantage

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I am very disappointed in this Government's insistence to tear apart the environment. We have a greenbelt that was created to help preserve green space and important environmental sensitive and agricultural lands. We do not need to take away from this protected country side to build houses. Lire davantage

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I do not support any removal of Greenbelt land for development, including housing. Urban sprawl is not the way forward to adding homes in Ontario. We don't need more suburbs. We need to add density and services to support that density in our cities. Lire davantage

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This disrupts a huge ecosystem! This is guaranteed long term loss for a short term gain. Politicians friends probably bought up some of the land surrounding this and will make huge profits. I thought it was promised this land wouldn’t get touched? Lire davantage

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The future isn't urban sprawl. It's not the car. It's not fossil fuels. So therefore intensification is what the government of Ontario should be pushing. Not further degradation our untouched spaces. There is already plenty of developed land in which more people can be added. Lire davantage