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Good day,
I ask the government to rescind this plan as it is in conflict with numerous issues and needs of GTA residents and province. There are many other suitable locations to build the needed residential capacity. Points of note about this flawed plan:
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Has the government or the developers given ANY consideration at all to all of the wildlife this will affect? This is their homes that will be destroyed in the name of "progress", or rather more money-making ventures for developers and government.
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This proposal is short-sighted and an insult to Ontarians. I am an Ontario resident that would benefit from more affordable housing, however I am dismayed that this is the course of action deemed appropriate by the Ontario Government.
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I grew up near the greenbelt and it was an important part of my childhood, and learning about nature and the importance of environmental conservation. Future generations deserve to have this piece of precious land preserved!
Removing protected Greenbelt land to build the most inefficient, low density, car-dependant, monotonous, and disconnected homes in the periphery of the urban area is one of the most mind-boggling proposals I have heard to date.
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Dear Ontario Conservative Party,
I strongly object to the sale of Greenbelt Lands to developers. Suburbs are a completely unsustainable method of development. We should be building denser cities - not wider ones.
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Going back on greenbelt. There isn't a housing shortage, there's a wage shortage and immigration is way too high because Canada and Ontario would rather fly in cheap foreign labor than pay Canadians a livable wage
Instead of cutting down the green belt which is unnecessary since we have lots of useable land why don’t you build out in between cities. Like connect Toronto to Kingston completely or Ottawa to Cornwall.
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We all know that jobs and housing are extremely important issues. What I want to know is why housing developments, and urban areas are undergoing growth without the proper infrastructure. Sidewalks, sewers, watersheds etc. are being overlooked.
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The Green Belt should not be redeveloped, re-zoned or reconsidered in any way, shape or form unless it involves increasing the size of the Greenbelt or helping to repair and restore the existing Greenbelt area.
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Absolutely ridiculous to even consider reducing Toronto's resilience to climate change related disasters in order to build more low quality garbage housing.
Build taller towers and open zoning for middle density construction.
Suburbs are a brain-dead US idea.
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I am absolutely opposed to the expansion of Hamilton's urban boundaries. The last thing anyone needs is more sprawling, cheaply made McMansions. We need AFFORDABLE housing that are close to amenities so that people who need housing can live and function within our infrastructure.
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This bill is an egregious attack on our environment in a time of climate breakdown. Study after study have shown there is enough land within CURRENT urban boundaries to build the required housing.
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Why do we bother to have municipal level governments if Doug Ford thinks he can override them????
Having these boundaries has never been about easy. It's about preserving our land.
It is ridiculous that this is even an option.
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This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen, we need to invest more in building our cities, making them more liveable, walkable & sustainable with low-mid rise housing and mass transit infrastructure. Destroying our farmland makes no sense and will hurt our economy in the long run.
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Instead of building out for suberbs we should focus on higher density living in our current cities. The green belt is everyones back yard and we should strive to keep it that way.
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Good day, I ask the…
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Has the government or the…
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This proposal is short…
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I grew up near the greenbelt…
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Removing protected Greenbelt…
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Dear Ontario Conservative…
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don't develop the greenbelt!…
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Instead of cutting down the…
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We all know that jobs and…
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The Green Belt should not be…
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Absolutely ridiculous to…
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I am absolutely opposed to…
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This bill is an egregious…
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Why do we bother to have…
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This is the dumbest thing I…
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Instead of building out for…
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