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I am a resident of Mississauga Ontario. I am 100% opposed to the governments plans regarding Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. The government’s plans would utterly destroy the certainty of permanent protection that is vital to the functioning of the Greenbelt as a whole.
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I support expansion, I am a new home buyer in Hamilton (Nov 2022') and am leaving Toronto because the cities housing is entirely unaffordable.
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I do not support this proposal to remove and redesignate land from the green belt to build housing. Housing can and should be built on other land that is not protected wildlife habitat.
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These proposed amendments with contribute to further destruction of significant wetlands, floodplain infringement, drinking water quantity/quality degradation, this plan should absolutely not be approved.
I do not support any removal of Greenbelt land for development, including housing. Urban sprawl is not the way forward to adding homes in Ontario. We need to add density and services to support that density in our cities.
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Leave the greenbelt be, there's plenty of others places to build. Like on top of existing dead parking lots, dead shopping malls and dead strip plazas.
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There is absolutely no reason to destroy what little green belt we have. We need nature and animals. There is numerous different ways we can deal with housing or transportation issues but that involves critical thinking many do not want to do. Leave our nature areas alone.
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I've lived in the GTA my entire life. Bulldozing portions of the greenbelt to support further low-density development is a short-sighted idea that will rob future generations of the stable ecological habitats that make our region such a beautiful place.
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I disagree with the proposal. There are other ways to create housing - destroying protecting green space should not be one of them. Ford said he wouldn't destroy the green belt - that was a lie.
How can the government permanently destroy thousands of acres of farm land when climate change will bring food insecurity not only to the world but ontario?
Absolutely do not build on the green belt!
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The assertion, that the total affected land to be taken away from what is now greenbelt for residential development will in fact add to the acreage of the buffer zone by swapping in some high rocky land, does not hold up to scrutiny.
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The ecosystems located within the Greenbelt are a) ecologically sensitive, b) provide key services to humans and other organisms, and c) take decades, if not centuries to fully develop. Once developed, a wetland or fertile agricultural land cannot simply be replaced.
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Throwing up low income housing on top of green spaces is not the solution to the housing crisis when those buildings will be low quality and unaffordable to those who need them the most.
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There is no reason to destroy valuable green areas that take decades to mature. The greenbelt provides lots of protection and resources to Ontario and should remain protected from development.
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Please don't do this, you can't promise this as part of your campaign and then reverse it when you win. This is shameful and we must protect our Greenbelt. Opt for investing in more human scale cities, re-infrastructure for density. So much of our land is just stroads and parking lots.
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I am against amending the current plan to protect the Green Belt. This government’s reckless disregard for our environment and Ontario’s green spaces is short sighted and will do irreparable damage that future generations of Ontarians will unfairly have to contend with.
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I support expansion, I am a…
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He promised.
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I do not support any removal…
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Leave the greenbelt be,…
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There is absolutely no…
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I've lived in the GTA my…
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The ecosystems located…
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I am against amending the…
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