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I am against taking away or rezoning any and all lands in the Greenbelt. I am for adding more. It is absurd to build sprawling housing on the best land in Ontario. We have all of unfarmable rural Ontario for housing.
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This is such a bad idea. The greenbelt is so important for biodiversity, farming, preventing flooding, and preventing climate change. If you get rid of any of the greenbelt you're going to make life miserable for everyone.
I’m not supporting the decision to build in the green zone. This will cause issues for wildlife as well as overcrowding of people which can lead to other issues such as flooding, traffic. Please do not go ahead
Reneging on an election promise to not develop the Greenbelt will ensure that I will never vote for another Conservative party ever again. The word 'conserve' is within the party's name.
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I oppose the destruction of environmentally significant lands in the green belt. The addition of land does not make up for the destruction of habitat, farmland, and green space that benefits all of Ontario
Ontarians want views of lakes, rivers, and forests. We have plenty of land to build affordable suburban and urban housing without causing damage to our clean water, and without causing flooding and environmental losses.
I object to this project due to the destruction of significant wetlands, drinking water degredation. How do we know high density housing will be built and not some more mcMansions.
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The Greenbelt is a dearly important part of Canada, not just Ontario, that is necessary for the economy and survival of Canada and its residents.
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You guys are liars. Ontarians elected you on a promise to not touch the greenbelt, now that you've formed government all the promises are out the window. It's a sign of how little integrity you have that this is even a discussion. Shame on you, although I suspect you will remain shameless.
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I am completely against this plan due to the impact it has on the environment. We’re already seeing how rapidly climate change has exerted more frequent extreme natural disasters in just the last few years.
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We must protect our wetlands and protected green spaces! We can intensify the use of areas already dedicated to residential types of development. Cities should have the autonomy to develop as they and their citizens know is best for their specific areas.
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There is no need to push thr urban boundary into the greenbelt when there are plenty of areas within the city of Hamilton that can be refurbished to provide housing.
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It is abhorrent to build housing in the greenbelt, gutting environmental regulations in some of this province's most well protected and biodiverse ecosystems to build oversized McMansions.
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I am someone who will be alive for the next 50 to 70 years, far beyond when any policy-makers alive today will be gone. Removing or redesignating protected land in the Greenbelt means that I will have to pay for the consequences of this decision, as well as generations ahead of me.
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We have plenty of land for…
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I am against taking away or…
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This is such a bad idea. The…
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I think it would be…
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I object to this project…
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I oppose this proposal. This…
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I oppose the destruction of…
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I object to this project due…
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You promised that the…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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The Greenbelt is a dearly…
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You guys are liars…
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I am completely against this…
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There is no need to push thr…
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It is abhorrent to build…
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I am someone who will be…
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