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the point of the greenbelt is that it is a space that is *permanently* safe from development. this plan completely undermines that principle. While the area you plan to add is lovely - great idea- add it- you have to keep the existing area closed to development. Lire davantage

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My name is Matthew Koronkiewicz and I am highly concerned that the Ontario government is planning to destroy 7400 acres of protected land to build houses. The issue stems from immigration and needs to be addressed at the source. Lire davantage

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Removing land in the greenbelt is an awful idea. Sprawl brings nothing but higher congestion and dislocated communities. Focus on density within the areas we currently have! There's a reason European cities are much more efficient and desirable. Lire davantage

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Build up, not out. Part of my job within the utility sector I talk to new comers to Canada everyday and they’re buying income properties, many of them multiple. How can a new comer to Canada afford a home for themselves and an income property? Lire davantage

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Once again the Ford government acts in its own self-interest instead of in the best interest of the people they claim to serve. This plan is short-sighted, poorly thought out, and harmful to municipalities and the environment/province as a whole. Lire davantage

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I object to the opening of sensitive Greenbelt land when there are already much better options to improve our housing problems. This is land held in trust and not for sale. Do not touch the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Not only is the premier breaking a promise that he would not touch the greenbelt and blaming immigrants for the housing crisis, but what guarantee is there that these homes would even be affordable? Lire davantage

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This is outrageous. Ontario is a huge province and we've never had a space issue when it came to housing. The government should looking rezoning areas of the city, especially in the GTA, in order to provide more housing. Lire davantage

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DO NOT CHANGE THE GREENBELT. Ontarians voted against this measure in 2018 and received assurance that development would not happen. It is unjust and immoral to not only go back on this, but it will be a huge detriment to the people in the region ecologically and culturally. Lire davantage

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I absolutely oppose this approach. We have a housing issue for sure, but there is plenty of land in southern/central Ontario that is not environmentally significant. Lire davantage

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Please don’t change the greenbelt that Ottawa has. We need this space to keep pollution, houses away from downtown and other areas. This green area is essential to our environment. Making this change goes against everting I believe in. If this happens, I’m never voting conservative again. Lire davantage

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Good day, Do you think New York City should bulldoze Central Park for more housing? If not, then why would you suggest the same thing for anywhere in the Greenbelt? Lire davantage

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Stop eating up green space before using the land within the urban boundaries, Hamilton has so many abandoned buildings that could be turned into high density housing instead of the cookie cutter housing in the suburbs. Lire davantage

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I strongly object to this proposal. Adding more land to the greenbelt is a good idea, but let's not make it contingent on removing other protected land. We can (and should) have both. As global temperatures rise, what we don't need is a giant concrete heat sink. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should be protected and maintained forever. End stop. Do not remove the natural green landscape just for a shallow promise for more detached homes in the province. If more homes are wanted, build up with apartments and condos.

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Regarding the urban boundary expansion, Hamilton's recent Mayoral election was just held with this as a key issue. The highest performing candidates were those who opposed urban expansion, which, while not a referendum, is at least reflective of how polls show our population feels. Lire davantage