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The Greenbelt is one of our greatest achievement in land planning in Ontario. This is something that other provinces are looking at us with envy. I do not support any change to it, the land swap won't be equivalent. Lire davantage

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The point of the Greenbelt is to protect our environment, and it isn't really about the number of square KMs that are protected. I wish the government would really get it together and think about what they're doing. This amendment is a disgrace. Lire davantage

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I categorically object to bulldozing through some of Ontario's beautiful land for the sake of additional suburban sprawl. There are some things that you lose, and you can never get them back - this would be a permanent destruction of natural beauty for a half-baked solution to our housing problem. Lire davantage

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I am disappointed to see this change pushed through with so minimal an effort at addressing the reason why the Greenbelt has historically been maintained - environmental protection of sensitive areas including watershed management. Lire davantage

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Please do not destroy the green belt! Do not be short sighted, this will be a disaster. Further destruction of important wetlands, floodplain infringement, reduced drinking water quantity and quality, just so that a few developers can make a ton of money. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt serves an important environmental and safety purpose. Preserving important wildlife habitats and improving air and water quality. Additionally many of these areas help to manage flood planes which is a major safety factor. Lire davantage

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I am completely against this proposal. This proposal makes a mockery of the Greenbelt plan. The Greenbelt is meant to be kept intact and continuous; it cannot be parsed and sold. The main argument for amending the Plan is baseless. Lire davantage

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We are facing an unprecedented climate emergency and scientists have been clear that protecting green space is vital to the solution. Additionally we need green spaces close to where people live so they can access them conveniently and without a car. Lire davantage

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This is a bad idea. Wetlands provide valuable living space to many animal and bird species. We've already trashed too much of this planet in the name of development. Lire davantage

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The More Homes Built Faster plan is misguided and short-sighted. The main problem with housing in Ontario is not a lack of new constructions, but a lack of affordable, stable housing. Lire davantage

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As much as housing is a concern, the government should look at options beyond developing the green belt. As the effects of climate change and habitat loss begin to become more apparent (not less), we should focus on developing the parts of Ontario that are already urbanized and devoid of ecology. Lire davantage

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There is already plenty of available land outside of the Greenbelt. Most of the new land being added to the Greenbelt already has other protections so it accomplishes nothing. Keep your promise and leave the Greenbelt alone!!

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Respect local democracy! Hamiltonians voted NO the urban boundary expansion and that should be respected by the provincial government! Hamilton has more than enough space and abandoned lots within its existing urban boundary to meet its housing needs through redevelopment and intensification. Lire davantage

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I oppose any land development in the Greenbelt. Preserving this area is critical for preventing flooding, providing clean drinking water, and maintaining wetland habitats. Lire davantage

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As a life long Ontarian I object to the government touching the green belt. The government promised Ontarians that they wouldn't touch the Green belt or engage in land swaps and is now in the process of doing that very thing. Lire davantage