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I do not agree with this you can not open up land in the green belt. It was protected for a reason and it needs to stay that way. Doug Ford has already said in 2018 and again in 2020 that he would not touch it. So don't touch it. Or is he just a liar
The economy rests on the ecology. The green belt is important, don't mess with it. Find solutions that respect ecology or the environmental crisis will be worse. All our children are at risk from cascading environmental crises-including yours. Revise your priorities to protect all our futures.
I am absolutely opposed to the plan to build on the Greenbelt! This is yet another promise Doug Ford is breaking. Stop trying to dismantle this province to benefit Doug’s rich friends. If there is land available to “add” to the Greenbelt, why not build any necessary developments there?
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No I do not agree with this proposal. Ford said he would protect the Greenbelt. Home to many species. Some endangered. This just cannot happen! This will be a very sad day for the environment!!!
The Greenbelt is vital to the people of Ontarios health and well being. As Ontario grows we need good soil and agricultural land more than ever. There are mass amounts of abandoned factory lands, and old commercial properties throughout cities in southern Ontario. Use them to increase housing.
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I grew up in Pickering and Ajax especially in the area of dufferins creek where I went on family walks as a kid , fished as a teenager and young adult. I’ve always stood for conservation and continue to support conservation today.
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This directly contradicts any effort the government is making to promote sustainability. Removing land from the Greenbelt to build more houses will irrefutably damage the ecosystems in the area and simply expanding the greenbelt in other areas is not an acceptable remediation effort.
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I do not support this ammendment. It has been said by the current conservative goverment that they would not chnage the greenbelt and this is doing to opposite in contradiction to what has been previosuly said. Once again I DO NOT support this ammendment.
The proposed changes to the greenbelt are in direct condition to the promises made not 2 years ago. If this action goes through I will never be voting for the blue again. Neither will any member of this household or the community we are part of.
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This is a terrible and short sighted idea. Rather than add more low density single family homes to address shortages could we not encourage density and incentivize the construction of 2-4 bedroom low rises? This will destroy important protected lands forever, and for what?
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I do NOT support the proposed changes to the Greenbelt. These are protected, fertile agricultural lands which cannot simply be replaced by protected lands elsewhere. It includes farmlands, forests, wetlands, and watersheds.
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This proposed policy reversal is a display of the current Ontario government's cowardly prioritization of short-term profit over the actual tangible investments we need to make in the land we call home.
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I do not support Bill 23. There are other areas in which we can develop. This is ludicrous and this government should not have the power to make this decision without buy in from the people. Conserving our wetlands and green-space should be a priority for this province.
Sincerely, Andrew
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This is outrageous and unacceptable.
Further sprawl is not the solution to the housing crisis, and ultimately will make matters worse for the environment and the sustainability of our communities.
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This is horrible, it doesn't help the housing crisis, it only allows Ford's buddies to make money erecting buildings. Affordable housing requires government mandates not taking away green space that's protected for good reasons!
Please do not remove land from the Greenbelt.
It is very important for flora and fauna to have large continuous spaces.
Your government promised not to make developments in the Greenbelt.
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This is appalling. The Greenbelt is protected land that Doug Ford promised not to touch. The ridiculous narrative that is being spun about moving that land elsewhere is preposterous. You can't simply create new pristine land.
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The economy rests on the…
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No I do not agree with this…
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The Greenbelt is vital to…
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I grew up in Pickering and…
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I do not support this…
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This is a terrible and short…
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I do NOT support the…
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This is horrible, it doesn't…
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Please do not remove land…
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This is appalling. The…
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