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Any development in greenbelt regions will be a complete waste of valuable green space and a destruction of valuable conservation land. We must maintain our local wild spaces, especially given the existing sprawl and spread of the GTA. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is there to ensure that we have clean air and water for our citizens. Tearing it up to create more housing that no one can afford is despicable. The solutions to housing are to build up, not out. Convert empty office buildings to apartments. Lire davantage

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This is a terrible proposal. The whole point of the Greenbelt is to protect natural areas that are in close proximity to urban areas. Absolutely no land should be removed from the Greenbelt - as your government promised! Lire davantage

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Please do not expand the urban boundary. This has been voted against by the Hamilton constituents. The fact that this can be overridden by the province is disappointing and undemocratic. Lire davantage

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I am disgusted by this proposal. Not only did Ford say in his campaign that he would protect the green belt, but this is a conflict on interest. This is an ill-formed plan. Lire davantage

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I do not support any changes to the green belt. We need that land protected for a reason, no farms equals no food. And no protected lands equals no wildlife space and an increase in human and wildlife interactions (coyote attacks being one example). Lire davantage

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The green belt is integral to Ontario, and the GTA. We need to protect wetlands, farmlands and forests. Housing is an issue, but the way to solve it is not to destroy our environment. I voted for Doug Ford last election, but will not be if he goes through with destroying the green belt. Lire davantage

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I am highly opposed the to redevelopment of the Greenbelt. This put precious ecosystems into jeopardy, furthers us from our climate objectives & does not fix our housing crisis. This should be dismissed as a viable solution. Lire davantage

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I REJECT this proposal. Our Wetlands must be protected to ensure a future for the next generation of humans and wildlife alike. Our country’s economy depends on our agriculture and we must preserve the environment to preserve our economy.

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The fact that the voters of Hamilton voted “NO” to this proposal, and the province has decided to trample over the will of the people, is frankly, disgusting. Lire davantage

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I do believe there are so many ways to address housing without going back on campaign promises made - I understand that while it may be a evaluated as an option for this government that once we start building into that area it will be challenging to draw the line and I think we should try alternativ Lire davantage