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I do believe housing is of extreme importance and we need to be diligent in working towards creating more affordable housing however, destroying Environmentally protected land is not the answer.
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The environmental damage you will do to this area is inexcusable. This project should not pass, but you've already given it the go ahead so these comments are likely irrelevant.
Shame on you and the team who goes through with this.
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It is an unconscionable thing to undo thousands of acres of protective space to develop housing. The greenbelt was designed in response to dramatic rainfall from a hurricane. Climate change is bringing more of these severe events and the government plan is to reduce the amount of protective space?
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To My Elected Officials,
The move to increase development in and long the Greenbelt is an disservice to our province. Any further development on or in the zone erodes our food and water security, it will increase taxes an place our future into uncertainty.
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Dear Doug Ford
This proposal to build on our protected lands is a slap in the face to everyone who lives here.
We have a lot of space to build on that isn't protected, and you promised us that you would never do this.
We are tired of your lies.
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I do not support any removal of Greenbelt land for development, including housing. Urban sprawl is not the way forward to adding homes in Ontario. We need to add density and services to support that density in our cities.
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The green belt was established to protect the environment and wildlife in the area , if you need more housing build further away from the city and build up transit
Increasing development on the greenbelt is a big mistake. Keep the protected land protected! We cannot just decide to remove protections because they are inconvenient.
If the government wants to build more houses they should look elsewhere. Ontario is a big place...
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No. Absolutely Not. The green belt needs to be maintained. There are plenty of feasible ways to increase housing without destroying the environment further.
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I strongly support this policy. Housing should be first and foremost priority for the provincial government. I personally believe that the Greenbelt should be completely abolished since it merely serves as a barrier that restricts normal human population growth.
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With so much infill land that can be developed...pushing into the greenbelt is a mistake that is irreversible. This is not a solution to the housing crisis. This land should be sacred for future generations. We don't need more sprawling suburbs.
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I do not support any removal of Greenbelt land for development, including housing. Urban sprawl is not the way forward to adding homes in Ontario. We need to add density and services to support that density in our cities.
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This is terrible. Please leave protected land alone. You should be adding land to protect, not removing land that is already protected.
Leave the Greenbelt alone
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I’m writing to express my wish that the green belt not be modified or altered from the pre 2021 boundaries. The only acceptable option is further expansion to preserve habitat and water management.
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I do believe housing is of…
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The environmental damage you…
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It is an unconscionable…
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Leave it alone.
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I am a young Ontarian, and I…
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To My Elected Officials, The…
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Dear Doug Ford This…
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I do not support any removal…
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Leave the Green Belt alone…
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The green belt was…
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Areas of the Greenbelt as…
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Increasing development on…
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This is corrupt nonsense and…
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No. Absolutely Not. The…
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I strongly support this…
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With so much infill land…
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I do not support any removal…
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This is terrible. Please…
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I’m writing to express my…
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