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These green belt proposals are only going to benefit rich neighbourhoods that border these green belt areas already.This isn’t going benefit anyone in low income housing which is desperately needed. I don’t see any benefit to destroying protected and fertile land just for easy development. Lire davantage

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Please do not give up our green space. Once gone, this land can never be recovered. This space should be a legacy for future generations, and by removing it you will be doing harm not only to our environment and watershed, but to the cultural importance that green space has for Ontarians.

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Do not build on the green belt. You will only increase the cost of everything when this money can be going to better use somewhere else. The greenbelt is a necessity to allow local resources. DO NOT DISMANTLE THE GREENBELTS

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These amendments to the green belt plan are a bad idea and shouldn’t go through. Other options should be considered instead, such as turning office buildings into homes. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt should not in anyway be developed for housing. It is incredibly important we maintain these spaces for future generations. Densification should be the goal for all Urban areas in Ontario south / south west of Kingston. Lire davantage

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The green belt is more than just protected space. It is also water run off and prone to flooding. There is plenty of land to expand to build affordable suburban and urban housing. With out risking environmental destruction, damage to newly built properties and our clean water supply. Lire davantage

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I did not vote for you, or this. You and/or your party promised to leave the greenbelt untouched, then you slide this in on a friday afternoon while the media circus is going on about the strike/protest? Lire davantage

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Greenbelt should not be used for any other reason than for environmental conservation. Development space is already available, in and in close proximity to, existing city infrastructure. This development would be a bad economic and environmental choice.

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You said last year (before the election) that you would not do any land swaps on the green belt. You don’t have a mandate for this. The housing crisis we are in was here last year just as it was last year. For god’s sake, your own task force called for more density and not more sprawl. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow developers to destroy our critically important greenbelt land. Ontario needs housing, not sprawl. Redevelop existing lands to medium and higher density housing, more single family homes on acre lots will not solve this problem. Lire davantage

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We’ve protected this land for so long and should keep it that way. It is up to us to work at keeping our environment and protected areas safe. I understand there is a a housing crisis but using land that was never meant to be developed seems short sighted in the greater scheme of things. Lire davantage

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This is a vile, depressing use of power. There are so many other options available to us to increase housing without creating more sprawl. We need to be preserving our green spaces not destroying them. Our climate can’t take this abuse. Lire davantage

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Please PROTECT OUR LAND No more urban sprawl, build UP. Canada must remain as fertile as possible - there will be a food crisis and we must have the ability to take care of ourselves. Lire davantage

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The proposed "More Homes Built Faster Act" includes only tepid measures to enable more badly needed home construction in existing cities while diving deep into dangerous attacks on wetland habitat, woodlands and other conservation lands and encouraging even more of the expensive rural sprawl that ca Lire davantage

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The green belt is an important part of Ontario, both ecologically, economically, and historically. The short term gains do not outweigh the long term negative impact that this proposal would bring.