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I think the proposal is a good idea. There is an ongoing housing facing the entire province currently and I am happy to see that there is some kind of plan in mind to address this very salient issue. Lire davantage

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Absolutely not! I do not support the actions of the Ontario provincial government. They are making these decisions to line the pockets of their wealthy friends and benefit politically for themselves. Lire davantage

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It is reprehensible greed and the actions of corrupt politicians and the 1% that makes up the super-wealthy that has created world-wide climate change. And your government's reaction to this horrific crisis is to contribute to the destruction of greenspace, wildlife habitat...all for greed. Lire davantage

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I do not support the proposed changes to the Greenbelt plan. While it is clear to all of us that there is indeed a housing crisis in Ontario, reducing protected lands should not be our answer. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to Ontario Bill 23 Building More Homes Faster, and in particular to the removal of lands from the Greenbelt for development. The protection of these lands was ensured by the Greenbelt Act of 2005. Lire davantage

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It is imperative that we protect the greenspace including headwaters, wetlands, grasslands, meadows, forests, and wildlife corridors. The protection of these areas is vital to the health and well-being of all Ontarians.

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The proposed plan is a waste of taxpayer money and resources. The plan destroys critical farmland which provides a significant amount of the food Ontario residents consume pushing up the cost of food by creating the need to import more food. Lire davantage

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The people voted NO but it’s not a democracy anymore is it. Hamilton has an insane amount of empty lots that could be beautifully invested in. Why are those not considered? We can’t even afford food anymore and you want to take away farmer space to make more buildings… Lire davantage

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I don't believe that developing the greenbelt is a good idea. We are in a climate crisis, and the removal of natural spaces around the GTA would be detrimental to the existing wildlife, watersheds, and the heat island effect for the surrounding cities. To name a few issues this would impact. Lire davantage

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I think it's important to maintain the green belt and leave it undeveloped. The proposed developments do nothing to help real Ontarians and just serves to make developers rich. I will not forgive a government that develops the green belt.

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This is a terrible idea. The Greenbelt can not be altered and diminished like this. The reason it was created was to protect this land, and to remove this land is the worst idea I've heard this year.

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Please: Learn from the past decades of mistakes. Learn from other places that have figured out how to densify properly and build out transit accordingly . We have limited farmland, we don't need more car-centric suburbs or highways perpetually having a lane added. Build up not out. Lire davantage

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This is wildly irresponsible and downright greedy of the Ontario government, and especially Ford, to do. Huge ecological damage and for what benefit? No one wants this, we want affordable URBAN housing.

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I would like to voice my opinion on the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. I am opposed to removal of ANY land from our Greenbelt and support any additions. Lire davantage

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Once again, developers money rules and Ford drools. When are politicians going to learn once gone it can never come back? The green belt was created based on specific criteria. Switching white belt for green belt VIOLATES that criteria. Lire davantage

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Please don’t do it! The green belt was created and protected for a reason. We need to protect the land and the developments will flood anyways. We need to preserve as much of the land as possible for the sake of the planet.