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To: Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy Re. Serious Concerns about Bill 23 in relation to impact on food security Date: 4 December, 2022 False Dichotomy Lire davantage

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As a resident of the Greenbelt, I OPPOSE Bill 23 "More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022". Bill 23 would remove requirements for public meetings on certain planning matters. It would also remove people’s right to appeal planning decisions. Lire davantage

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I feel this is extremely shortsighted and irresponsible as building on the green belt will destroy fragile ecosystems and further support climate change which will bring additional problems, globally. Slowing the Greenbelt to be developed will not support affordable housing. Lire davantage

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I do not support building on the greenbelt. There are other valid options that don't disproportionately damage the minimal green space available to Ontarians. Save our provinces green spaces.

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The protected lands of the Greenbelt, which once developed can never go back to the environmentally sensitive state that they are. Ford’s government has not provided any study or concrete evidence that development of the Greenbelt is necessary. Lire davantage

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I object to the proposal to remove sections of the Greenbelt and open those up for development. Doug Ford has repeatedly promised that the Greenbelt would not be touched. It is a vital area of the province that protects habitat, and agricultural land that cannot be reclaimed once it is developed. Lire davantage

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I am categorically opposed to bill 23 and the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan, Greenbelt Area boundary regulation (O. Reg. 59/05), and Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (O. Reg. 140/02). First of all it was a Ford government campaign promise that they would not touch the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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This bill is not just an inadequate response to the housing crisis, it’s an attack on our wetlands, communities and the climate.  If we really want to address the housing crisis, we need well-designed, low-cost family homes and climate friendly communities supported by transit. Lire davantage

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This whole thing is ridiculous. I grew up in the UK which is high density in population but the greenbelts around all the villages and towns are what makes it liveable. Sprawl is not the solution. Greenbelts around urban centres is something for the future. Once you build on it, it's gone forever.

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This is such obvious corruption I can’t believe I’m witnessing it. Destroying the environment so that you can make a quick buck for yourself and developer friends??? Absolutely disgusting. Lire davantage