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As a citizen living in and growing up in Southern Ontario the green belt farm land is important to protect. I’m not in support of changing farmland on the green belt to housing. Pleas find another area.
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I implore the Ontario government: please do not remove any of our Greenbelt lands. These lands are protected for a reason. Please explore all other options of which there are many. These lands are protected for a reason which I have outlined in my previous submission.
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Dear Committee,
As a resident of Ontario, I have concerns with the proposed changes stated in your Plan.
I believe that this Plan will have negative consequences for the Ontario environment as well as the residents in the long term.
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This plan should not go through without having someone investigate the conservative government for corruption. Notice all the conservative friends that own the property. How many have ties to the political party?
While I believe we need to correct the housing supply issues, I do not think the proposed action plan to develop the Greenbelt is the right course of action.
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The greenbelt was created to protect the fertile lands where our food grows, where our water sources are filtered on their way to Lake Ontario, where wildlife is still able to flourish, where forests clean the air, where humans can renew their energies before tackling the rat race that is now endem
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Do not kill the Greenbelt. Keep the Greenbelt and expand it. We need farmland to feed our cities. We need natural areas to clean our water, air and soil - for free. Please do not pass this bill and keep Ontario beautiful and sustainable.
Matt and Lori
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This act is undemocratic. Will hurt citizens and only benefit developers. There needs to be a better solution that truly benefits low income people that need housing in cities, not greenbelt areas. And developers don’t need handouts.
I am against the plan of reducing the existing green belt to fast track expansion of homes. We need better long term solutions than this. Stop this plan now.
I do not think that Doug Ford should be developing the GreenBelt. This is a terrible idea and it will be detrimental to so many wildlife species that rely on this area for habitat. In addition to this, people have been turning to nature during the pandemic.
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Re bill 23
While I agree we need affordable housing, the relentless sprawl of housing, encroaching on our environment is simply bad planning and shortsighted - achieving short term goals at a longer term cost.
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I'm submitting a comment to the Environmental Registry of Ontario for the first time ever and for what seems like the only action I can take to add my voice to opposition to this proposal. I hope that the majority of Ontarians who are opposed to this can prevent this from going forward.
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I do not support Bill 23. The Greenbelt should stay as is. We need to keep our environment safe. Construction will build more pollution, create traffic and cause more havock on our already vulnerable planet.
Please do not go through with these proposed changes. We live in Markham and we have been exploring the wonderful wetlands and wildlife corridors that lead to the rouge national urban park.
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Hands off the Greenbelt. Repeal Bill 23. We do NOT agree with your plans to develop any land under the Greenbelt. There are smarter and more effective ways to address housing issues in Ontario.
Re: Opposition to ERO #019-6216 and #019-6217
As Ontario resident, business owner, taxpayer and parent of young children, I would like to voice my strong opposition to Bill 23 and the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan.
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As a citizen living in and…
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I implore the Ontario…
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No thank you. Preserve the…
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Dear Committee, As a…
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This plan should not go…
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While I believe we need to…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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The greenbelt was created to…
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Do not kill the Greenbelt. …
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I am strongly opposed to the…
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This act is undemocratic…
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I am against the plan of…
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I do not think that Doug…
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A strong Greenbelt ensures…
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Re bill 23 While I agree we…
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The Greenbelt is important…
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I'm submitting a comment to…
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I do not support Bill 23…
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Please do not go through…
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Hands off the Greenbelt…
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Re: Opposition to ERO #019…
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