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I'd like to express my disappointment and outrage with Bill 23. Under the guise of 'needing more homes', Bill 23 tears apart planning policies and procedures that are democratic and environmentally sound.
Where's the Democracy?
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The Greenbelt is an area vital to our environment, protecting land, animals and the wider ecosystem. As climate change becomes the most pressing issue facing the future of humanity, everything should be done to protect what we have left.
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I vehemently oppose the proposal to sell off protected lands in Ontario's Greenbelt for two reasons. First, the proposal ignores many alternative solutions to Ontario's large and growing housing crisis.
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This proposal by the Ford government is completely ridiculous. We need to save and protect our environment. He will be out of office and we will be picking up the environmental impacts of selling off this land for a short-term gain but long-term consequences
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Strongly opposed to this plan. Under the Ford government we have watched as he has striped the province of resources and pulled funding from important programs such as the health care system, all to fund the businesses that are already doing well in the current environment.
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To: Whom It May Concern
I am writing to express my disgust that you are proposing to remove lands from the Greenbelt. It is a betrayal of public trust when Premier Ford promised to not touch the Greenbelt and shortly after the election he is doing just that.
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As a citizen of Ontario, I absolutely oppose removing parts of the Greenbelt for development.
The Greenbelt is a vital part of the eco system and we can’t afford to damage our environment further.
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I want the government to expand the green belt, not shrink it. Any land swaps should be on a >3:1 basis (1 hectare of green belt exchanged for at least 3 hectares of new land added to the greenbelt. Wetlands should not be developed or swapped for any reason.
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Comment from the Prince Edward County Field Naturalists on Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan re: ERO 019-6216
December 4, 2022
To Whom it May Concern:
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This was a campaign promise that the greenbelt was not going to be touched, and now Ford is going back on his word.
Ford should step down for lying to the people.
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Theses proposals mean a permanent irrevocable destruction of precious green area around the GTA. My family and I STRONGLY DISAGREE with these proposed changes.
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Please don't. There are enough abandoned places and parking lots only half used that can be places for many many apartment buildings. There is enough road kill already. Displacing animals and birds when it isn't yet necessary is irresponsible to the earth we need to protect and reserve.
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The Greenbelt is an area…
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I strongly oppose the…
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This proposal by the Ford…
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The Greenbelt is important…
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Strongly opposed to this…
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To: Whom It May Concern I am…
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As a citizen of Ontario, I…
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This was a campaign promise…
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