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The main argument for these proposed changes to the greenbelt is that we need to support a growing population. No doubt that a growing population requires an increased supply of housing. It also requires an increased supply of food. The majority of the areas proposed for removal are farmlands.
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Do not develop on protected land. This is a short term solution that will cause long term harm. Campaign promises were made, and this will break them. There are other solutions - committees have noted that this won’t even be close to the right solution!!!!
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I do not agree with building on the green belt. This is against promises by Doug Ford in his campaign. He is deliberately doing what people elected him not to do.
Greenbelt is needed now more than ever. Protect it where we can. Stop Ontario's attempt to pave over significantly needed land that was supposed to be protected.
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The greenbelt was created for several specific purposes and was enacted in consultation with experts and the public. Seeking to alter the well researched and forward thinking investment in the future that is the greenbelt is short sighted at best, and downright ignorant greed at its worst.
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I am writing in response to the proposed amendments to Ontario's Greenbelt. I am against the amendments that would permit construction of housing or other development within the current Greenbelt.
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This bill will harm millions of Ontarians, both present and future. It will destroy our environment and negatively impact our province. Do NOT go through with this bill. Ontarians don't want it.
The greenbelt is so much more valuable to our province than any number of residences could be. Considering how dire the world's current climate and food security situation is, why on earth would it make sense to remove such an incredible and valuable piece of agricultural land?
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Please DO NOT pass Bill 23.
It will cause irreparable damage to wetlands and other environmentally significant areas.
YOU PROMISED TO LEAVE OUR GREENBELT ALONE! I voted for you. Please don’t make me regret that.
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Regardless of the poor voter turnout in the most recent provincial election, the majority of Ontarians did not vote for Doug Ford. This plan is baseless and puts money into the hands of already rich property developers.
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Really unhappy with what this bill is proposing. Seems as though there is no consideration being made for what this means for the environment or the species at risk in the area. Moreover, some of the land that would be opened up is within the flood zones, which makes no sense.
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The Federation of North Toronto Residents Associations objects to the removal of Greenbelt lands and has submitted details of the objection below as per ERO notice 019-6216
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The main argument for these…
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The Premier was clearly…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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Do not develop on protected…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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I do not agree with building…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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Greenbelt is needed now more…
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This is outright…
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December 4th, 2022 Ministry…
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Against this idea !
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This is too important and…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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The greenbelt was created…
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I am writing in response to…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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This bill will harm millions…
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I am strongly against…
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Leave the green belt alone…
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The greenbelt is so much…
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Please DO NOT pass Bill 23…
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Regardless of the poor voter…
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Absolutely horrendous idea,…
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Really unhappy with what…
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The Federation of North…
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