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I’m writing to you today in support of the Greenbelt, Conservation Authorities and Ontario’s wetlands, woodlands and other natural areas.
Firstly, I am writing to state my opposition to the proposal to remove 7,400 acres of land from the Greenbelt, which was revealed on November 4.
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Housing availability is hugely important. But this is the wrong direction. There's plenty of space in southern Ontario, even in the Golden horseshoe, without touching the greenbelt.
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One of the election promises of Premier Doug Ford was that the government would leave the Greenbelt alone. The Conservatives should be held to account over this promise.
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What is the point of having a green belt if you’re just going to cut out parts and “put them elsewhere”? This sets an EXTREMELY dangerous precedent… at this point why not just put the entire green belt in the middle of Thunder Bay and open the entire south part of Ontario for development.
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I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed removal of lands from the Greenbelt. There has been no evidence presented that opening these lands will solve the issue of a housing shortage, but to the contrary, that it is not necessary.
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The green belt is priceless Ecosystem infrastructure. This area must be preserved in its present form for the current and all future generations. Keep your promise and don’t destroy biodiversity, farmland and ecosystem infrastructure that gives us a liveable biosphere. Do the right thing.
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I am fully opposed to Bill 23 and it's proposed changes to the Greenbelt's protected land and forests. I sincerely hope you will do everything you can to stop this destructive project especially since Ford said he would not touch the Greenbelt.
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The public is not convinced that recent purchases of Greenbelt land by Mr Rice with an $80 million loan is just mere land speculation. This developer must have been tipped off putting other developers at a disadvantage.
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Bill 23 must be repealed in its entirety. It is outrageous that our provincial government is attempting to remove environmental protections of any kind, let alone within the Greenbelt. Nature has intrinsic value and should be protected at all costs.
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I find this whole situation regarding the Greenbelt appalling. There are many, many options to create affordable housing without stealing protected lands from our children. The mandate given this government by the people did not include pillaging our resources for profitable development.
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We need to be investing in local farmland and green space. Period. With all of the problems we are seeing, global food shortages and the produce being imported is decreasing in quality while increasing in price.
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I am deeply opposed to this proposal for a number of reasons. No lands should be removed from the Greenbelt and this proposal should be thrown out entirely.
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Please do not destroy the greenbelt, for us now and for future generations we need to save the biodiversity of our fine province.
Our children won't care if we got to work slightly faster when the ecology of our province is shattered.
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I am so concerned with the hastiness with which Bill 23 is being passed. What are we doing to ourselves? To our children? We rely on the greenbelt for our lives. There was a reason this was to be protected forever. Canada has so much space, we destroy our forests and water to our detriment.
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One of the election promises…
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What is the point of having…
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