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I cannot state clearly enough how much I am opposed to any construction in the green belt. We were told that the green belt would be protected and I feel quite upset that we are even considering it. Lire davantage

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This would be a disgusting use of power and nothing more than a short sighted cash grab. One the Conservative Party vowed not to do less than 12 months ago. Conveniently changing course directly after an election is not representing the will of the people. Lire davantage

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Instead of touching the green belt why don’t you expand the development in the northern parts of Ontario. I understand that immigration numbers will be high, why don’t we develop those areas and disperse the population all over Ontario instead of Greenbelt in GTA( and around )

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It’s a climate crisis. It’s an existential threat to humanity and Conservatives who do not represent the majority continue to betray the public trust. Shame. Doug Ford continues to betray the public and again attempts to dismantle the green belt. Shame. Lire davantage

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NO. A simple no, to any change - legislatively and development - to existing Greenbelt. If you have to ask why, you are not in touch with reality on any level. Homes can be built elsewhere - - why not try building on landfill site :). Lire davantage

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Depleting the greenbelt for single family housing makes no sense. Once we lose it, it's gone and the total number of houses built won't be significant. We're better off improving density in the areas already developed than further sprawling the city. Lire davantage

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Ridiculous proposal to develop a previously protected land. This parcel has been set aside for decades as a way to maintain our natural beauty. To develop said land when housing density could be increased in other areas is unbelievable! I think this is a bad idea. Lire davantage

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This proposal is against government promise thats one, its also doesn't align with what make sense to keep the ratio between green land and houses. Did the government consider expanding in areas outside the green belt without reducing the green space per home. Lire davantage

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The government promised to not develop the green belt but is now going back on their words. If the government is not trustworthy and their words cannot be held accountable then what is the point? Lire davantage

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Ontario is already building a record number of homes, we don't have enough talented trades people to build quality homes. Build more homes? How about focusing on building affordable homes? Lire davantage

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I feel that this is a giant step backwards and that these areas need to continue to stay protected. Our natural habitats are shrinking when we need them most to combat climate change. Lire davantage

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I am extremely worried about development on the green belt. This is one of the beautiful, unique features of Ontario and the fact that we have preserved it this long makes me proud to be Canadian. The farmlands are critical. Lire davantage

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This is terrible for the environment long term and will cause disasters like flooding. The only benefit is increase revenue for private businesses with zero considerations for what’s best to the majority of people in Ontario.