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Dear Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing:
Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
I oppose the proposed removal/redesignation of lands from the Greenbel (ERO 019-6216, ERO 019-6217) for the following reasons:
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There are some things we lose and we will never get back. Green space, farmland, forests, wetlands, and watersheds will be impacted to an irreversible degree if the Greenbelt is opened to developers.
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This is disgusting. The greenbelt is a important part of our community and a major factor to Toronto and Ontario's Green Look. The destruction of it sets our climate work back by 10 years. First CUPE and now the Greenbelt. It's like Fords trying to piss everyone off.
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It's disingenuous that this proposal emphasises some greenspace acres gained in these changes, as if all green spaces are equivalent and as if that number directly relates to the environmental effects such changes in greenspace may have.
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Please do not develop this land. We have seen what happens when we tamper with nature and build over floodplains. Southwestern Ontario experiences disastrous floods during high rain seasons and this will only spread if we develop this land.
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Any removal of existing Greenbelt is unacceptable. Replacing existing Greenbelt space with other areas that are already protected and claiming it's more, is deceptive at best.
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The greenbelt is an important ecosystem we must protect for future generations. It would be unwise to sell it for short term gains. I am against opening up this land for development.
The expansion into the greenbelt, an act which we were assured would not happen, is a direct and affront attack on the beautiful and rich landscape of Ontario. We cannot any longer sacrifice natural land and wildlife for profit of a few rich.
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We should be rezoning single family homes into multi family homes not expanding outwards. We cant expand upon the greenbelt as most of the land is wetlands which will result in higher home flood rates that will lead to an increase in house insurance.
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Do not touch the greenbelt! Protecting the environment should be our number 1 priority amid a climate crisis. Housing will have to be addressed some other way. There is plenty of unused land in Ontario and opportunities for condo development.
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I live in this area, as a tax payer is this what we are doing now?
Protected land is being exploited for new housing. There’s lots of other land for housing, why specifically in these delicate areas?
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I strongly oppose the plan to "swap" land that's part of the greenbelt. There is no reason to touch the greenbelt until all other options for improving housing have been exhausted and even then it needs an extremely convincing argument and sufficient scientific backing.
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I oppose the proposal.
There should not be any removal of lands designated in the greenbelt. It's a band aid solution, leading to further sprawl that we all pay for.
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This appears to be a bad idea, and not a positive thing for people of Ontario.
The world is already facing environmental disasters due to climate change.
We need to protect our greenbelt.
Having more sprawl in Ontario will only cause more traffic, pollution, and lower production.
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This is an awful, money grabbing idea. Ontario needs housing yes but no housing is worth destroying the environment further.
This should not be allowed to happen. The world will look at us and laugh if it does.
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