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The farmland, forests and watersheds in the Greenbelt are essential to our health. The Greenbelt provides clean water, food and natural spaces so our urban spaces can survive in a heathier environment.
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To whom it may concern,
I am writing to express my deep concern and dissent regarding proposed changes to the greenbelt plan that would open up 7400 acres of protected lands.
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Stop this madness. Once the green belt, or any part of it, is paved over, its gone, never to be regenerated. A huge natural loss for Ontario. It was and should remain protected. We don't need more highways, we need good public transit.
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Please leave the Greenbelt intact. My young kids deserve a future and the beautiful world we have been given to help nurture. Developer dollars are very short term gain for extreme long term pain.
This is a terrible idea that Doug Ford even promised he wouldn’t do so now he’s trying to slip the idea through while other problems are going on. What a liar and cheat this administration is.
I do not support any removal of Greenbelt land for development, including housing. Urban sprawl is not the way forward to adding homes in Ontario. We need to add density and services to support that density in our cities.
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Allowing for development on the Green Belt does not address the increasing need for affordable and sustainable housing as it is going to cause more urban sprawl to areas that are not well serviced by transit, education, health care or infrastructure.
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I do not want the green belt to be touched. There are no valid reasons to disrupt environmentally significant areas of Ontario. Land developers should not be able to profit off of this. There are tons of low density areas around the city that can be Re zoned instead.
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Do not develop on the greenbelt. That area should be preserved and protected to ensure a healthy environment.
Yes we need more homes but destroying this area is not a good solution. We can start by capping how many homes individuals and corporations are allowed to own.
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Building urban sprawl on the Greenbelt is not a viable solution to Ontario's housing crisis. In fact, it is hard to imagine that this proposal benefits anyone except developers and their lobbying groups at the expense of Ontarians as a whole.
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This is very disturbing. Doug Ford is helping rich developers get paid at the expense of the environment. We will never get this beautiful and biodiverse land back!
The Greenbelt Plan is yet another short-sighted effort on the government's part, designed nearly wholly to put money into the pockets of developers and the politicians whose pockets they line, with little to no consideration for the necessary environmental protections in the province's most fertile
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Leave the green belt alone. Toronto has enough urban sprawl as it is and to little farmland and natural habitat. Dougie and his developer buddies should look elsewhere. If you want to do something with the green belt, preserve it as public parkland.
I'm against development on the green belt, don't do this. We should be rebuilding brownfield lands and bolstering intercity transit.
Once the greenbelt is gone, that's it, it's gone. Please exercise some foresight.
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Will the removal of the land solve the housing issue? Approx. 50K houses will be built on these land, how would the government ensure the affordability of these homes. The average home price of the proposed areas such as Richmond Hill, Vaughn and Markham could be over 1. 2 million.
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The farmland, forests and…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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To whom it may concern, I am…
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Stop this madness. Once the…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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Please leave the Greenbelt…
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This is a terrible idea that…
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I do not support any removal…
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Cowardly. Shameful. Pathetic…
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I do not want the green belt…
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Do not develop on the…
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Building urban sprawl on the…
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This is very disturbing…
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The Greenbelt Plan is yet…
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Leave the green belt alone…
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