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Do not touch the Greenbelt!!
We end up paying for the floods and the water treatment as a consequence of you destroying the wetlands.
You should be ashamed that you're ignoring the people's right for a healthy environment for the sake of your donor friends. We know who this is really for.
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It is ridiculous to open up these protected lands for housing developments when the GTA is littered with strip malls. Re-develop these already paved areas; put in towns--stop urban sprawl!
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The ford government lied about building on the greenbelt. The ford government only cares about greedy developers. It’s too bad that we have another four years of this government.
If there’s no more land left in the urban boundary for development, could we tear up a bunch of urban gold courses and use them for housing? They’re of less environmental significance and surrounded by existing urban communities, so will be close to services.
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I do not support housing development in the Greenbelt. Green space is important to have in any city. I certainly find I enjoy a city more when there is lots of nature around, especially trees and parks. Nature really benefits my mental health, and I’m sure it helps others too.
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I do not support this proposal. I support adding more land to the Greenbelt but feel there are many places where housing could be built without using existing Greenbelt land.
I do not support developing houses on the green belt land. Thain is a very important area to Ontario. Some of the best soil to farm, some of the great rivers for fresh water. We need to do more high density housing rather than sprawling out and hurting our wildlife. This is a short sighted mistake.
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Losing green belt land to development is unbelievably selfish and shortsighted. That land needs to be preserved and cherished, not plowed under and developed. Do the right thing and protect this beautiful land from those who’s only ambition is greed.
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Why not just develop in Paris/Gault and leave the Greenbelt alone?
Seems like a waste of taxpayers money to me.
Do the wealthy insist on living in Niagara?
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The Greenbelt needs protection. I can not believe that this government will destroy the land in order to put houses on it. ''The Greenbelt protects the agricultural system that provides local food to the region and jobs for thousands of people.
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This is a terrible idea. Nothing more than a money grab. We do not need expansion into protected lands to build monster homes the average person cannot afford. Bad planning - sad day for Ontario.
As a previous resident of Pickering, now living in Toronto, I can say how valuable these lands are to remain as is. The protection of these lands is imperative to the natural world around us.
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You promised not to touch the Greenbelt. Hands off.
The Greenbelt is vitally important for the area. Whether the land is agricultural, ecologically sensitive, or environmentally important, it has been protected for a reason.
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I don’t agree with these proposed changes. We need to keep the green belt areas protected. Why is this being removed from a plan that was previously approved and deemed environmentally significant? This is not a small change - it is the first step towards revoking the entire plan!
Give the land back NOW to Indigenous leaders. This is a crime against the environment! Citizens do not want this. Ontario is full, you cannot harm the environment just because you want to make more money!
I believe most of these areas are over populated in regards to infrastructure capacity. Many of these areas were already built up and over extended, as a result, you can not move through these areas without severe gridlock.
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Do not touch the Greenbelt!!…
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It is ridiculous to open up…
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The ford government lied…
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If there’s no more land left…
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I do not support housing…
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Losing green belt land to…
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Why not just develop in…
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I am totally against this…
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The Greenbelt needs…
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This is a terrible idea…
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Please reconsider this…
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As a previous resident of…
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I don’t agree with these…
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Give the land back NOW to…
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This is disastrous. Ford…
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