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I do not support any removal of Greenbelt land for development, including housing. Urban sprawl is not the way forward to adding homes in Ontario. We need to add density and services to support that density in our cities. Lire davantage

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There are many solutions to the housing crisis that don't involve destroying environmentally sensitive land. I am deeply disapointed by the government's decision to go back on previous promises and proceed with this plan. Lire davantage

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I am appalled at this proposal and entirely disagree with its premise. Ontario has more than enough land on which to create more housing. As noted in the recent article in the Narwhal by Emma McIntosh: Lire davantage

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The government should focus on increasing density and supporting infrastructure in existing urban areas. This will lead to lower costs for residents and businesses, ultimately leading to a more competitive GTA.

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The Greenbelt should not become developed land for housing. The answer to more housing should not be to sprawl into protected areas, but rather focusing on density and development in existing cities and towns. This is an egregious overstep of environmental protections Lire davantage

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The green belt needs to stay Green! Ontario has plenty of land that can be developed without destroying natural habitat. We are a world class country and province that needs to act like one! Don’t make this short sighted decision based on development pressure. Lire davantage

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There are no real justifiable reasons for destroying the green belt in order to open it up for private corporations to profit off of. There is more than enough land in the GTA if there was a focus placed on higher density housing developments. Lire davantage

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The protected lands should be left alone as they are. Why is this specific land targeted for housing? Housing and realestate can be done anywhere, these lands are in no way a requirement for any such projects. Lire davantage

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Affordable housing does not come in the form of large, single-family dwellings built well outside areas providing easy access to public transit and a concentration of service amenities. Lire davantage

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As a citizen of southwestern Ontario, the Greenbelt should be protected and remain undeveloped. I advise the government to listen to its own Housing Affordability Task Force. A quote from their report in February, 2022, in case the premier forgot, or failed to read it, is below. Lire davantage