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The green belt is an essential piece of environmental land that important to preserve. Many species of native wildlife call this protected area home and it is important to preserve wetlands. Lire davantage

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Enough is enough. This province is not for sale. Leave the green belt alone. There are so many other places to develop and encourage spread to. Temiskaming Shores, Wawa and all the cities up North would love to expand. Lire davantage

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There are far better places to develop that aren’t on the most fertile land in the entire province, you’re throwing away our provincial identity for the sake of a vanity project and whatever kickbacks you’re getting from the developers.

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Doug Ford promised not to sell off the Greenbelt. This is a direct violation of that promise. We need more housing - these sweeping changes will not fix our housing problem in a sustainable way. Build up, not out.

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Absolutely not. The ford government chose to campaign for our votes, using the promise of protected green space. Now they’re reneging their promise all to line the pockets of Ford’s buddies? Stop selling Canadian green space. Ontario is massive.. BUILD ELSEWHERE. BUILD CANADIAN.

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Hello, I am against this plan. It affects tok much natural environment. There are better options to this plan and it's taking the lazy route which will negatively impact our future generations.

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In 2018, the premier promised on Twitter and in interviews not to touch the greenbelt. As usual, his excuse for the flip flop is to blame the federal government and immigrants. Clearly, he's doing this to reward his developer donors. Lire davantage

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I strongly disagree with removing any lands from the Greenbelt at all - the environmental impact is immeasurable. What are you plans for ensuring flood mitigation? Food security in the some of the best arable land in Canada? How will you mitigate the pollution and effect on the ecosystem? Lire davantage

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Doug Ford - betraying promises and destroying our province. PROTECT OUR LAND! Prevent this bill! Once you do this, there’s no going back and it’s destroyed forever. What a legacy.

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please, please don't go after the Greenbelt. not now, not ever. our planet is already so close to death, we don't need to speed it up while destroying one of the only nature preserves we have left.

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I am against the proposed changes/ amendments to the Greenbelt plan. The designated Greenbelt areas host irreplaceable farmland and watersheds and in my opinion, development in these areas will have a lasting and negative impact on the quality of life for Ontarians. Lire davantage

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How will building more homes help the environment? I understand the need for more housing, however what is the point of having more homes if the world is too hot for the people to live in? We have to think about the future not just residentially but climate-wise Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is our birthright. Destroying any part of the greenbelt will hurt everyone especially our ability to grow food locally. Yes population will grow but can be contained I already built areas. Allowing growth into the greenbelt will only open it to more growth.