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I do not support the proposed amendments. Building residential housing on the greenbelt will contribute to urban sprawl. Zoning should be amended within cities to build on Brownfields and to focus on building up not out. Lire davantage

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I cannot believe that this government has lied time and time again and gets away with it. How dare you destruct sensitive habitats that our wildlife need. I DO NOT support this development. Doug Ford, you're what the French call "les incompenent". Google that, since you also don't know French. Lire davantage

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Please don't go back on your word to not disturb the greenbelt. It's a defining piece of Ontario and you want to tarnish it. There are better places to build homes, that don't pose immense flood risks to boot. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is NOT needed to solve the housing crisis. Environmentally sensitive lands should not be used for development purposes. I do not support this proposal. Shame on the conservative government!

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I hope all the housing going in there will be ontario housing, otherwise it is not for the low income community and thats what is needed, not more monster homes nobody wants, if its for sale how much is it to buy?... Lire davantage

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This is a dangerous proposal. There's a need to preserve as much of the natural environment as possible, and removing part of the green belt for housing is not a valid reason. Lire davantage

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This is an egregious plan that will set back the environmental movement and may help to doom us all to apocalypse. Some things you give away you will never get back... Old growth is one of them. We can certainly do better than giving away parts of the green belt. Lire davantage

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Stop paving over every last green space we have, the broken up sections do not support life as well as contiguous natural regions. The housing crisis is real because of greedy and rampant real estate selling to benefit a small wealthy group at the detriment of everyone else. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt areas were setup and protected for a reason; changing or allowing to change them would be a very slippery slope for the future. Should be just adding to them with NO decreasing. Lire davantage

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I do not support this. I am a registered voter in Ontario and I visit the greenbelt immediately after every work day. It clears my head, improves my mental wellbeing, and gets me outside and exercising. Lire davantage

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I object to the government's proposed changes to remove land from the Greenbelt. Whilst the housing crisis is real and significant, the answer is not to destroy the little remaining natural environment of southern Ontario - especially not in a time of climate crisis. Lire davantage

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Changing the green belt is not the solution. Make policy changes to address the missing middle and open up development in the yellow belt. We need legitimate long-term planning here, not just building more of the same on what should be protected lands. Lire davantage