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It is essential to prevent the development of and loss of this rich agricultural land
Premier ford confirmed he has heard this from citizens and committed to not developing this green belt.
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It is absolutely disgracefull that the government is taking action to pave over our greenbelts, wetland and farmland. The Ford government said they would protect the greenbelt and have now gone back on their word. Shame on you.
There are so many other ways we can solve the housing crisis without opening the greenbelt. The greenbelt is essential to the environment of Ontario and to our future. What's the point of building houses in a floodplain anyways?
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Cutting into critical environment on the moraine is not at all remediated by establishing protected lands in a different area. The decision to build on the existing Greenbelt is a bad one. Not only from an environmental standpoint but also from an economic one.
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In a province full of natural resources that would be difficult to replenish if it were removed, this plan does not make any sense! The developers are benefiting from this, while we are losing precious natural resources AND putting endangered species at risk.
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There are some policy decisions that go against public interest and are for the greater good, since this government has already brought this issue up in the past and then told voters it wouldn't be attempting to develop the green belt, one could assume that they already got the message.
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Firstly, it is ridiculous that this is being proposed despite promises that it would not happen. If I have 0 trust in this government to uphold a previous promise, I have 0 trust it will deliver on new ones remotely effectively. Absolutely ridiculous that
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The greenbelt is supposed to be protected. Added more urban sprawl will not help our economy, environment, or housing crisis. Grow a backbone and build homes where people want to live: in urban centres. Upcoming, and higher density is the answer.
Do not develope the green belt. The pc government said in 2021 they would not touch the green belt and yet here we are. As an ontarian I want to keep the green belt alive. Do not develope it, we are the constituency and we do not want this. There is a reason it's called the green belt.
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This project is disgusting. The destruction of important environmental wetlands for no reason aside from profit is a clear indication of how little the CPC is interested in the lives in prod Ontario citizens.
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To think that the solution to our housing crisis is to reduce local capability for farming and reduce our province’s natural ability to scrub carbon from the air is ridiculous. 70 years of suburban sprawl and it hasn’t solved anything, create more mid-rise housing
This proposal is an awful idea and our Greenbelt and surrounding ecologically sensitive areas must remain untouched!
I do not support the development of the Greenbelt!
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Turning greenbelt into suburbia is criminally stupid. That land was protected against development for good reason and those reasons have only gotten more important as environmental damage has increased.
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This plan is absolutely unacceptable. We are living in a time of horrifying climate change. THAT is the #1 priority of humankind. Once the greenbelt is gone it will never return. We will experience increased flooding and other natural disasters that will cause significant expenses for taxpayers.
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Why is this being done? In the "Report of the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force", section "Making land available to build" on page 10, it has already noted that lack of land is not the problem with the housing crisis in Ontario.
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There is a critical role the Greenbelt plays to stop sprawl and protect farmland, forests, and the source of our drinking water, as well address climate change. The government should be ashamed and the people of Ontario should be outraged.
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the greenbelt is a protected habitat for a reason. Chopping up and dividing this land to pave over it for mansions so that Doug Ford’s campaign financiers can get more rich is an absolutely disgusting, and disgraceful act against our land.
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There are so many other ways…
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In a province full of…
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Firstly, it is ridiculous…
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The greenbelt is supposed to…
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