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There should be no going back on promises. It was promised that the greenbelt would not be touched. There should be other avenues explored first before backtracking. Lire davantage

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Don't do this. Your proposal strikes me as being too low density and targeting the wrong demographics. Ontario needs, in all candor, low income and high density housing. We need good zoning near public transit; upscaling major urban zones. Lire davantage

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Removing environmental regulations to effectively eliminate the greenbelt is an ill-conceived idea. There are plenty of ways to increase urban density, such as rezoning the existing sprawling "yellowbelt" to allow for higher density housing. Lire davantage

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I wish this wasn’t the reality I lived in. What are you going to do with all this money lining your pockets when we are all dead on our inhospitable planet. Oops! Too much environment talk? Lire davantage

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opening the green belt and building single unit homes is not the solution Ontario requires. This will no doubt increase commuting times and increase if GHG emissions. PC conservative also pledged they would not be doing this last year and have since did a full 180 Lire davantage

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This is an unnecessary and foolhardy plan. Densification will give the homes we need without destroying precious farmland and green space. In a climate crisis, encouraging more car-dependent sprawl is wildly irresponsible and an attack on younger generations. Lire davantage

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I am writing to you as a resident of Thornhill. Our family has been residing in Thornhill since 2006, in the Dufferin and Clark area, and we have always greatly enjoyed and appreciated having a lot of natural green space around Thornhill/Vaughan. Lire davantage

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Please do NOT remove existing Greenbelt lands. These areas sit on some of the most agriculturally-productive lands in the country. They are also important to local watersheds in preserving water quality for people who live nearby. Lire davantage

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I oppose these amendments and am dismayed by the provincial government constantly going back on its word. In 2021 the Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister said “I want to be clear. Lire davantage

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Do no alter the greenbelt. Do not develop on it. You said the people have spoken, do not touch the greenbelt. Yet here you are proposing to develop it. You are a liar. Do NOT alter the greenbelt.

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I strongly oppose the removal of greenbelt land for the purpose of settlements. Sprawl in the areas identified is already a burden on healthy living, traffic, and taxes. Lire davantage