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Doug Ford and his Conservative administration is out to sell our watersheds to the Cortellucci family. This plan is entirely corrupt, and proof that he lied to the entire province in 2018. Lire davantage

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There is no basis for any of these changes. There are still thousands of acres near cities and towns that are NOT in the greenbelt that have yet to be developed or developed to its full potential. Until those lands are used, there should be no removal of any land from the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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Shame on you for proposing to take land away from the existing green belt after promising not to do exactly this (Ford made this promise in 2018 and the minister of housing in 2021). This government practices the worst kind of cynical politics. I’m sickened by this.

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I completely disagree with this proposal.... ontario is more than just the GTA! We need to expand beyond this area. Destroying prime land and intensifying the GTA is shortsighted. The 401 is not capable of supporting this change. The environment isn't capable of supporting this change. Lire davantage

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I am saddened by this proposal which will remove protected environmental areas across the Golden Horseshoe region. I urge the government to reconsider this plan to cut away at the Greenbelt and do not support this proposal.

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While I recognize the need for housing in our province, I cannot agree with the dissolution of current green space. The notion of expanding our cities outwards, is simplistic and rudimentary with no foresight. Lire davantage

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I don’t support the government’s proposal to open the greenbelt for developers. I am an Ontario resident who lives in halton. Leave our greenbelt alone, protecting our environment is of climate importance. Michelle Hancock Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should NOT be built on under any circumstances. It needs to be protected for the future health and the environment of this Province. Furthermore Ford and Clark should stick to their promises to protect the greenbelt Lire davantage

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Absolutely not! No! Good lord, this government is an abomination! The green belt is PROTECTED farmlands and wetlands that contribute not only to the betterment of Ontarians but to the biodiversity of this planet. Lire davantage

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This proposal is a blatant contradiction to your election promise and I strongly urge the government to discard it wholly. The greenbelt is a key greenspace that should remain untouched and not be opened to development. Lire davantage

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I am extremely disappointed that this is even being proposed after promises were explicitly made that land would not be removed or swapped out of the Greenbelt. Prime land should not be removed from the Greenbelt to benefit greedy land developers. It is vital that the land remain protected. Lire davantage