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The proposed change to destroy part of the green belt for use building homes is unacceptable from ecological and social standpoints. These lands are vital to our health as a country and planet. Lire davantage

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There are many other ways to create available housing than ripping into the Greenbelt. There is a ton of land across Ontario that’s zoned EXLCUSIVELY for single-family homes or commercial strip malls. There are opportunities to density these areas. Lire davantage

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This is a completely ridiculous proposal that is simply a way to give greedy developers even MORE money while ignoring the fact that residential zoning laws in the GTA are the issue here. Lire davantage

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KEEP YOUR PROMISE to leave the Green Belt untouched. If you go back on your election promise, I will never vote for the Conservatives again - I am in my 20's, so that is an estimated 20-30 elections in my lifetime. Lire davantage

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I cannot even begin to understand how the same people who say that Ontario is in a climate crisis can then make a plan to scrap protected environmental areas in order to add more urban sprawl... To say that this is an option to solve the housing crisis is something that seems skeptical to me. Lire davantage

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further densifying the GTA instead of cutting into greenbelt that is natural habitat and farmland makes way more sense. With more trnasit being built, its better to not just make endless subdivisions. Densify GTA and grow other large towns i.e. Lire davantage

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Opening up the Greenbelt and sensitive wetlands for development goes directly against Doug Ford's campaign promise, as well as common sense and the wealth of knowledge we have about the importance of keeping these lands naturalized. Lire davantage

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This plan is horrific. Upzone within existing municipalities. We don't need to sprawl to build more low density suburbs. It has been proven that children raised in suburbs are the least happy. People want mixed use walkable neighbourhoods. Lire davantage

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I am ashamed that my government would consider development in our beloved green belt. Once these lands are developed, they and the creatures they provide habitat for will be destroyed FOREVER. Fix the vacant housing in the GTA and develop within already established city limits. Lire davantage

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This travesty cannot be allowed to happen. The Greenbelt is one of Ontario's best lines of defence against the encroaching threat of climate degradation. Protect the citizens of Ontario by protecting the Greenbelt.

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Rather than destroy the green belt why don't we rezone parts of the city to better manage population density. Or better why don't we punish people who choose to own 2 or more homes through taxes so that those houses can go to people who will actually live in them. Lire davantage