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This is outrageous in the face of the consequences of climate change that our province (tornadoes, forest fires, disastrous storms), country (forest fires, hurricanes), and world is enduring. This was a PROMISE made for this government to be elected on.
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Stop Development on the Greenbelt.
The Greenbelt is the heart of the Greater Golden Horseshoe - its permanent protection is essential for climate resilient communities and a thriving local economy.
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For our future generation we need more Green Protected Space not less for housing. More GTA housing will ad to the horrific transportation problems that already exist. At the very least use the Pickering Airport lands instead of water sheds, local forests and moraines. This is a forever mistake
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I strongly do not agree with the proposed changes outlined in the amendments of the greenbelt plan. There are many areas in these cities where redevelopment of unused/underused areas is long overdue and more relevant than new development that involves taking away green spaces.
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Any development expansion into the Greenbelt should absolutely NOT occur. Building homes into the Greenbelt would destroy valuable and irreplaceable wildlife ecosystems. You can not simply destroy these ecosystems and rebuild them somewhere else.
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Amazing that the sale of the land at Bathurst and Miller Side Road went through (to land developers) roughly the same time as the provincial election was held. Such a shame. A beautiful piece of land will be razed and covered with mass houses.
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This proposal is not a viable solution to the housing crisis. Instead of building more homes IN THE GREENBELT the government needs to consider high density housing, or limit ownership so that corporations can't buy up thousands of homes.
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We need to preserve and expand the Greenbelt in Ontario, beyond the ecological benefits, it serves to support Ontarians in connecting with accessible green space that would otherwise not exist! I urge the Ministry to please retain and expand the Greenbelt!
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I fully approve of the proposal. Also I live in the green belt just outside of Newmarket and would like more of the area opened up to facilitate growth along highway 404.
I am a resident of Toronto and I strongly oppose the destruction of the greenbelt. Ford said he had listened to constituents and agreed to not develop ANY of that precious, protected area and here we are… we have been lied to.
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This is a terrible idea. The greenbelt and destroying it will bring us nothing but harm in the long run. For the short term maybe it seems like a good idea, but to prosper and ensure Ontario thrives in the long run you have to think past campaign season.
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I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. The Greenbelt is a critical piece of natural infrastructure that provides clean water, clean air, mitigates flooding risk, contains urban sprawl, and generates billions in economic impact every year.
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I/We understand the need to have some expansion of urban areas but urge the full use of existing unused lands already within housing zoned areas.
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Do not destroy our ecologically protected lands, habitats and waterways. Just so the PM and his capitalist buddies can profit at the expense of our city's long term well-being
Very disappointed that Ford is breaking his promise not to touch the Greenbelt. I understand we have a housing shortage however, there are many other options to resolve this issue and not create another problem.
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We would like to know if developers/ home builders already own the sections of land being removed from the greenbelt and , if so, the names of company and / or owner should be published. In other words who is going to benefit financially from these changes.
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This is outrageous in the…
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Stop Development on the…
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For our future generation we…
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I strongly do not agree with…
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Any development expansion…
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Amazing that the sale of the…
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There is already enough land…
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Please protect the green…
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This proposal is not a…
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The land Ford plans on using…
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We need to preserve and…
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I fully approve of the…
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I am a resident of Toronto…
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This is a terrible idea. The…
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To whom it may concern, I am…
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I/We understand the need to…
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Do not destroy our…
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I strongly oppose the…
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Very disappointed that Ford…
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We would like to know if…
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