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This policy betrays the government's public trust to protect the environment for the people of Ontario. Rather than protecting, it does the opposite. It furthers a backwards, destructive government agenda that is accelerating the already rampant loss of wetlands and biodiversity.
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I am a Toronto citizen and have a 8-month old daughter, and this proposal horrifies me. Ontario MUST keep its promise not to remove Greenbelt land and develop on it!
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Plans to develop the greenbelt are antithetical to the commitments made by the Ontario government and Canada to meet climate change targets. Is the issue really a lack of housing, a structural issue? Or is the issue a lack of densified, affordable housing that already exists in developed areas.
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Please do not do this. The Greenbelt can and should remain whole, and there are other ways of increasing the housing stock without giving up parts of the Greenbelt.
Do not do remove lands from the Green Belt or Oak Ridges Moraine. There is more than enough land in existing municipal boundaries for housing.
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I totally oppose the use of Greenbelt for construction. The Government should identify vacant land other than Greenbelt and use it for construction.
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I would implore you to not move forward with this proposal and remove land from the Greenbelt.
1) This sets a dangerous precedent for future governments to further amend the Greenbelt
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Absolutely unacceptable! Redesignating or removing land from the greenbelt is a “NO”! We must take the blinkers off and accept responsibility for the health of the planet as opposed to the balance of our bank accounts.
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In my opinion, this action is a travesty. I believe that the Ontario public has been grossly misled from the beginning by this government's intentions with respect to the preservation of the greenbelt.
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I am against turning parts of our Greenbelt into housing developments. I understand that there is a housing crisis, but further damaging our natural environment is not the way to address our problems.
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The Greenbelt should be untouchable as once you lose land there, it’s gone forever. This is an awful idea. There is a biodiversity crisis on this planet and the Ford government is planning to contribute to it. Find housing elsewhere. Build up, not out. Do not touch the Greenbelt.
This should not be done. The Greenbelt is ecologically-sensitive land. You can't just destroy it for housing and replace it with other land. That's not how ecology works. The environmental damage would be enormous. We're already dealing poorly with climate change.
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Four years ago, your plans to carve up the Greenbelt had to be scrapped in the face of overwhelming public opposition.
At that time, Doug Ford said: “The people have spoken. We won’t touch the Greenbelt. That’s it.”
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This is ridiculous. The Greenbelt is the GREENBELT. It is protected for a reason. We shouldn't be taking away from it. The Greenbelt is one of our most valuable assets, contributing to our citizens' quality of lives in so many ways.
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Removing land from the Greenbelt is a dangerous and shortsighted move. It makes the GTA more vulnerable to flooding as well as encouraging car dependent sprawl. This sprawl worsens the climate emergency and creates inefficient suburbs.
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The Greenbelt is one of the most important and I would argue, well known environmental regulation in Ontario. Ontarians hold pride in the strict regulations provided by the Greenbelt legistalation protecting environmentally sensitive regions.
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I think that re-designating the Green Belt for housing is a short sighted idea. We are continuing to sprawl and tear our wild and agricultural lands up but not using the space that we have.
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Ontario does not need any additional sprawl. Removing these lands from the Green belt are not going to encourage meaningful growth or valuable development. We need coordinated development and protection of valuable protected green lands.
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This policy betrays the…
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I am a Toronto citizen and…
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Please do not do this. The…
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Hello, I would implore you…
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Absolutely unacceptable! …
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This action is a travesty…
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