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I do not support the reckless development of building jokes or highways or anything for that after on protected Greenbelt land. It is despicable and wreaks havoc on protecting our environment and species in Ontario
I really hope to preserve the Greenbelt as is. Developers should consider redeveloping low density areas in York region instead of digging up our beautiful greenbelt that supports our farmland, parks, and animals.
This is absolutely absurd. We need to stop developing in our protected greenspaces. Where will the wildlife go? How out of touch do you have to be to be removing protected land when we need to protect the environment and make drastic changes to prevent further degradation of the environment.
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Protect our farmland. Toronto needs to build up in a sustainable manner. Further sprawl will only make our traffic congestion worse and transit less worthwhile. Farms and wild areas are crucial for food and water security. If we want to support our population growth our food needs must be met.
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I would demand you honor the city of Hamilton decision. Last year in November both council and community overwhelmingly voted to not expand the urban boundary. Now the ontario government is trying to force us to expand. And into the greenbelt no less.
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Do not open up this land for housing. Repurpose land that is available and increase density. Keep the land together so that fauna have larger continuous tracts of land. Providing another green space tract in a different areas fragments the land and how animals can travel and live in their habitats.
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While we are indeed in a housing crisis, the solution isn't more urban sprawl. What may look like unoccupied or underused space is in fact vital to the well-being of our planet, and consequently to us. Wetland is not mere swamp, but a rich ecosystem that supports all life.
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We can’t afford to lose any green belt areas around Toronto and outlying areas. Housing should be built round communities that need more people and certainly not in southern Ontario.
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Reducing Green belt area can cost more air pollution in metropolitan area.May be vertical infrastructure development is alternative or can develop area which is not in green belt already is also an option.
We continue to be shocked by what this government is doing to destroy our home and lifestyle.
I feel so terrified and sad at the same time . We all feel powerless as they do not listen to the people whom they represent.
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The deal was you weren't touching the Greenbelt. How about leaving it that way.
This proposal sets a dangerous precedent, and you're not fooling the average Ontarian that you're magnanimously increasing protected land.
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Please don’t destroy our green belt; we can grow our communities in other ways…and if you do destroy our green belt can you at least make housing affordable for our vulnerable people like adults with disabilities; low income seniors and our homeless
How can Ford do the opposite of his campaign???? Also his policy on development fees only puts more money in builders pockets, as studies have proven. He only cares about building buddies…there must be benefits for him!
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We need our green belt areas. This is a slippery slope towards removing more and more green belt. Focus on other areas that don’t impinge on important natural heritage and conservation.
I DO NOT support building 7000+ plots of housing on Greenbelt. The ecosystem of Ontario’s greenbelt MUST be protected and a different solution must be met for providing affordable housing in Toronto. This is not the way. We must protect the Greenbelt.
The decision to include any part of the greenbelt for current development should have allowed all owners of greenbelt land the opportunity to provide reasons why their properties should also be allowed out of the greenbelt for current development.
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I really hope to preserve…
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This is absolutely absurd…
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Protect our farmland…
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I would demand you honor the…
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Do not open up this land for…
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While we are indeed in a…
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We can’t afford to lose any…
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Reducing Green belt area can…
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