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I find this proposal a bit concerning, because it doesn't respect the ecological value of the specific area the government wants to remove from the Greenbelt.
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This proposal is appalling. It is a betrayal, not only of Ontarians and the environment we cherish, but of your own pledge. The duplicity is both shameful and destructive.
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The Greenbelt is a very important area to the environmental health of Southern Ontario. It should be protected no matter what. There are several other ways to support sustainable housing within the province that aren't harmful to our climate outlook looking forward.
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The green belt is very important to the environmental health of Ontario. This should be a fully protected area and other non environmentally detrimental endeavours should be undertaken to support sustainable housing in Ontario. This is a large part of why I love the area I work in.
As a resident of Ontario I am strongly against this proposal. This is a horrible, backwards idea that serves a select few at the detriment to many.
Planting some trees to try to make up for destroying habitats that have been developing for decades is just a weak plan.
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I am against any proposals that will either reduce or remove green belt areas to accommodate new home development. It will impact wildlife, water supply all for the developers to make millions of dollars. Keep our green belts as is!!
Whatever happened to not touching the Greenbelt? Premier Ford said this repeatedly. We are in a climate crisis. Disrupting the Greenbelt is irresponsible and will create irreparable damage to the environment, farmland and species at risk. Please do not do this.
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This is the most short sighted, asinine proposal. We need to be protecting the green belt now more than ever. This kind of environmental irresponsibility cannot continue if we hope to have any kind of future.
No, just no.
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This is unacceptable.
The Greenbelt protects drinking water for the GTA.
The Greenbelt prevents sprawl which must be contained.
The Greenbelt is essential to helping support the ecosystems and wildlife already hanging on by a thread due to human devleopment.
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Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. Will only destroy the state of the environmental, community and people. Interruption to this will create future damage and future to come. Please look at other alternatives ways and protect our greenbelt land.
While I appreciate that the proposed plan would add more land to the greenbelt if implemented, I oppose the removal of any lands from the Greenbelt. What is the point of designating lands as protected if they can just have that protection removed later?
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I do not agree with this proposal. I think now Is the time to protect our environment and keep natural land available for our future. Please do not go forward with this plan.
Please keep your promises and protect the greenbelt. Housing solutions can be found elsewhere. This urban sprawl is destroying wildlife and our planet. Not to mention these cookie cutter suburbs are hideous. Leave the greenbelt alone!
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I find this proposal a bit…
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This proposal is appalling…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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The Greenbelt is a very…
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The green belt is very…
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As a resident of Ontario I…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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Infringing on the Greenbelt…
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I do not agree with this…
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Please just keep these lands…
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I am against any proposals…
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Whatever happened to not…
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No. No. No. This is the most…
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I think this is an awful…
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I am against developing on…
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This is unacceptable. The…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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Proposed Amendments to the…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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While I appreciate that the…
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I do not agree with this…
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Please keep your promises…
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