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This plan is a travesty that will cost taxpayers money in the long run. Urban sprawl does not work and is the reason that cities are bankrupt.
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No this is a terrible idea. We need to maintain what precious areas of green space that we have left. These nature areas are not only important for our planet, but also for the animals who call it home and for the people who visit it for their mental and physical health. This is not the answer.
First, let's get the elephant out of the room - this government promised last year to expand the Greenbelt and in Minister Steve Clark's words "We’re not going to entertain any conversations about a land swap" and "Our government will not consider any proposals to remove or develop any part of it".
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This is ludicrous ! Stop urban sprawl and highway gridlock! The housing crisis can be addressed by building up and creating walkable communities. The wetlands and the Oak Ridges Moraine should continue to be off limits.
The greenbelt is a source of pride for Ontario. To pick away at it for the sake of rapid housing development is extremely disappointing. This proposal shows a huge lack of foresight for the future of our province, our environment, and our wellbeing.
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I am absolutely appalled pulled by this egregious proposal. As a business owner, taxpayer, and homeowner in mississauga I greatly value green space and protected land. As these lands are of great value not only to us But also future generations.
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I'm commenting against development of the greenbelt. These environmentally sensitive lands are important for all Ontarians and need to remain protected. Paving the greenbelt is not the solution to the housing crisis.
I am shocked at how badly the Ontario government (not sure if I should only blame politicians, or if I should include bureaucrats in my assessment) is judging both the citizens of Ontario and future climate change issues.
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I am absolutely against developing on the greenbelt and am appalled at this proposal especially since this government explicitly said it would not touch the greenbelt. Hamilton also overwhelmingly wanted to keep our boundaries and this government paid no attention and is doing whatever it pleases.
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No! I don’t agree with this plan at all! I am so disappointed with this proposal! I’m tired of feeling like our area is being overrun with mob like powers.
I am a Process Development Technician with a degree in Chemistry from the Univerity of Guelph, working for Lanxess Canada since 2013 at its Elmira location. As is widely known, Elmira has been unable to drink its aquifer since 1992 because of my site's past practices.
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This is a poorly informed, short sighted move that not only attacks the environment and ecosystem but degrades land value. Entire communities and even developers are disappointed and disgusted. DO NOT MOVE FORWARD.
I am totally and whole heartedly against it. My family had been fighting for the greenbelt and were so happy when it was finally implemented.
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I am very much against this proposal, which will only make sprawl worse and destroy some of our province's best farmland and natural spaces.
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We must protect the Greenbelt. Building homes around other multi-million dollar homes does nothing for the housing crisis.
Stop selling out the environment for greedy developers.
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This plan is a travesty that…
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No this is a terrible idea…
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Hello, Developing the…
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This is a disaster, leave…
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First, let's get the…
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This is ludicrous ! Stop…
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The greenbelt is a source of…
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I am absolutely appalled…
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I am shocked at how badly…
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I am absolutely against…
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No! I don’t agree with this…
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I am a Process Development…
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This is a poorly informed,…
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I am totally and whole…
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I am very much against this…
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We must protect the…
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Another disappointing attack…
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I am strongly opposed to the…
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