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I am a land tax payer in Ontario. I have raised three children and am retired. This highway through the Holland Marsh is not a very good idea to say the least.
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Not only is the paving over the greenbelt short-sighted in terms of protecting the environment, and thus, our domestic food supply; but building there also contributes towards urban sprawl. Sprawl is not cheap.
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NO NO NO JUST NO! We need to start caring for our land and environment. The planet is dying... we DON'T need more houses we need a proper CLIMATE PLAN!
These laws should not be changed because it is protecting our land for a reason. It protects the the forests and animals that our Country is known for. Some of the animals are even endangered like our caribou or the barn owl.
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Doug Ford committed to leaving the green belt alone in 2018 - guess that was a lie. The thought of doing yet more damage to the Oak Ridges moraine is beyond comprehension and is an assault on the environmental sensitive land we all depend on.
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I strongly oppose this project. The Green Belt was designed with animal migration and water flow in mind, you can't just take from part of it and reassign random land back into it - that would defeat it's purpose.
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Urban sprawl.
Can we please focus on building a city that we can be proud of instead of a concrete desert?
Densification is the answer. We don't need to repurpose our greenbelt. We need to move past the NIMBY and densify our city. Infrastructure and density.
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Please do not expand hamiltons city boundaries into the green belt! We need to protect our environment, the weather this November should be proof enough we are in a climate crisis.
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I am a 34-year-old resident of Oshawa, Ontario. I find the recent announcement by the Ford government concerning the proposed amendments to the Green Belt plan to be absolutely atrocious.
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We need the Greenbelt. Don't destroy our future for short term gains. Stop urban sprawl. You are just contributing to climate change, increasing traffic, and destroying nature. Develop in the city.
No to using land from the Greenbelt for more housing.
Instead: tax multiple-home owners more; incentivize developers to build affordable condos; enforce rent control and add more resources to adjudicating rental issues faster; restrict AirBnB.
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I find it irresponsible for government leaders to turn protected natural land to urban space, all for short-term financial gain. In order to maintain the biodiversity within this area and the associated benefits of the ecosystem services they provide, we must reject all proposals for development.
The further destruction of our natural environment for the purpose of constructing unsustainable suburban sprawl is absolutely sickening.
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The housing policy seeks to destroy the little greenspace and farmland we have left in the GTHA to provide housing to the wealthy. The people who need homes will not be able to afford the proposed dwellings because they're getting built in places without appropriate urban planning.
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Destruction of our provinces green spaces just to pack more sprawl around the GTA is misguided at best and at worst a money grab for friends of devlopers.
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Not only is the paving over…
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This action will destroy so…
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NO NO NO JUST NO! We need to…
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These laws should not be…
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I am totally against…
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I strongly oppose this…
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I am a 34-year-old resident…
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We need the Greenbelt. Don't…
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No to using land from the…
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I find it irresponsible for…
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