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This is a terrible idea. Building more sprawl is expensive for cities to provide services and terrible for the environment. Intensification of existing communities and protecting our green space is a far better idea.
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What is being done to mitigate flooding?
Green spaces help hold water and stop places from flooding. Building high density by tearing down green spaces that are keeping us protected is a terrible idea.
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This is shortsighted, leave the Greenbelt alone. There is plenty of room for more density in city centers. We need to protect our green spaces which we will never get back.
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I'm extremely against the development of the greenbelt. The greenbelt is essential to our province's longterm ability to feed itself. Once it's gone, it's gone for good and all of us are worse off for it. The Rouge Valley in particular provides much needed eco diversity to our region.
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These towns around the green belt are quaint. People originally lived their to raise their families In Nature not concrete. So no! Leave the Green Belt alone!
Save the Greenbelt! Build more densely in cities. This kind of development will not result in affordable homes, just more sprawl. It is incredibly short sighted.
This act is absolutely disgusting and short-sighted. Destruction of significant wetlands, loss and farmland to grow food, and destruction of habitat all mean that this amendment should NOT go through.
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This is a terrible idea. We cannot depend on global supply chains for food security, which has proven evident during covid and the russia-ukraine conflict.
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This is unconscionable. This is protected green space and does not address our housing crisis. We need affordable housing, not million dollar homes with no transit options.
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"The people have spoken. I'm going to listen to them, they don't want me to touch the Greenbelt, we won't touch the Greenbelt," Doug Ford 2018
"...we won't build on the Greenbelt," Doug Ford 2020.
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This amendment is completely unnecessary. There is plenty of space already allotted for urban expansion, it just has to be used intelligently.
Do not develop any portion of the green belt, do not touch it. It is why I and many others chose to live here.
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I am against the proposed changes to the greenbelt. The land is protected for a reason. The areas for proposed new homes are already over populated. The province should be looking at making changes to the rental market regulations and foreign home buyers regulations.
Good evening,
Canada takes pride in its nature and vast biodiversity. I URGE the government to uphold the values of many Canadians and stop the destruction and pollution of our land for material gain, specifically when it comes to delivering the promise of keeping the Green Belt safe.
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The greenbelt exists for a reason. Let’s stop pretending environmental damage like this doesn’t affect everyone. Focus on densification will be greener, cheaper, and healthier for citizens and government. My taxes shouldn’t fund such shortsighted garbage.
The greenbelt is an important part of Ontario's nature, and building housing on it is a terrible idea. Why tear down this land when there's more useful land elsewhere?
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I think it’s disgusting that…
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This is shortsighted, leave…
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I'm extremely against the…
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The Greenbelt is the…
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These towns around the green…
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Save the Greenbelt! Build…
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This act is absolutely…
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This is a terrible idea. We…
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This is unconscionable. This…
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"The people have spoken. I'm…
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This amendment is completely…
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I am against the proposed…
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The greenbelt exists for a…
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The greenbelt is an…
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