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This proposal is absolutely criminal and should not be considered. It does not solve any problems and comes at a tremendous cost to constituents and to a planet already steeped in environmental disaster. We must preserve the Greenbelt at all costs.
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This is the pinnacle of short sighted idiocy. We need to build higher density, instead of outwards. Who is supposed to foot the bills when we need great swaths of extra utilities and roadways to support these communities that no average Canadian could ever own.
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This kind of development in greenbelt space is beyond irresponsible. The Earth is in bad enough, shape; causing reckless devastation for the sake of minor convenience is reprehensible.
I understand the need for more housing and development to fit the growing population in Ontario. I have a few questions, as a young person in her late 20s, about this though.
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Opening the greenbelt for development does not align with the urgent climate crisis our country and children are facing. I do not support these amendments.
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I am a young Hamiltonian, completing a Masters Degree in Architecture in Toronto. The entirety of my life and education has existed along side the Greenbelt and I have come to appreciate the remarkable attributes it provides.
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I am not in favor changes to the use of protected greenspace in Ontario or land swaps of this nature.
There is plenty of land elsewhere to be used to build housing. Protect the environment, our water and nature.
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Doug ford promised not to pave over the greenbelt 4 years ago now he is. Why should we trust him?
Why are we not focusing on density instead adding more sprawl?
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Not only is the paving over the greenbelt short-sighted in terms of protecting the environment, and thus, our domestic food supply; but building there also contributes towards urban sprawl. Sprawl is not cheap.
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Focus on density, not paving over irreplaceable green space. Shame on the Ford government for quietly trying to sneak this announcement by on a Friday and use immigration as a cover.
We need more density not more urban sprawl. This solves so many problems:
1) Traffic due to car dependency and distances between destinations
2) Housing, dense multi-family housing like midrises are more affordable than single family suburbian homes.
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I strongly condemn the proposed plan to remove 7400 acres of land from the Greenbelt. This proposal goes against the very purpose of creating the Greenbelt.
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Why are we expanding into the Greenbelt? We should be re-zoning areas for population density and improving services like transit in the same areas.
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I believe that the Greenbelt was created to protect lands from development, so that they could be enjoyed by future generations; as well as to preserve natural habitat for wildlife. It's short sighted to reallocate this land for development, one it's gone we can't get it back.
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I do not support paving over Greenbelt for houses. That is not in our long-term interest, nor will it benefit our children. Build the homes, instead, within and around existing communities. That allows them to utilize existing infrastructure.
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This proposal is absolutely…
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I am against using the…
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This is the pinnacle of…
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This kind of development in…
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I understand the need for…
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Opening the greenbelt for…
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I am a young Hamiltonian,…
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I am not in favor changes to…
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as a taxpayer and citizen of…
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Doug ford promised not to…
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Ontario absolutely does not…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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Not only is the paving over…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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Focus on density, not paving…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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We need more density not…
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I strongly condemn the…
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Why are we expanding into…
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Modifications au Plan de la ceinture de verdure
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I believe that the Greenbelt…
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Leave the greenbelt alone…
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I do not support paving over…
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